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His Innocent PA

Chapter 2 Under the same roof

Word Count: 1082    |    Released on: 27/02/2022

s only supposed to be with

o worries.

my items of

dy sent to

She thought and her angry face reflects visibly

al, see or touch anything inside that so rest assured (in a normal tone h

e and I don't want to waste my p


ckle the seat belt so he

anning on the crook of her neck,

ds quickly; letting out a sigh, lu

me, he was fi

us to her current pre

ed the car; driving

huge and beautiful mansi


ill fly inside it." He closed her wid

down to the lips and

ll poke your eyes out." He said, bringing his

lix went inside, leavi

on the table when I come back."

g. How and what will I prep

her way into the kitchen. Upon searching it, lu

g with some extra ingredients. She tasted a teasp

m yu

can't eat you as I prepared

, disapp

will bark at me like a dog." She said irritatedly and turned to leave the kitche

wall with his arms c

oming to steal fish.' She thought. Kris

dinner is r

heart to


ok, ea

he asked in

would've given it to me without any heart. I don't w

d he left once more af

you only for

r her breathe and

as the heat of the

d finished

l the dishes

and I don't know where I can take a bath. How should I say this to him? G

ck k

come in

sked, "Do you w

with her fingers; not


to tak


hould take

irections to

remains in


another dress

wear then what's there in

business." She sa

er to her. She took a few steps backwards until her back h

her heartbeat raised


uences will be worse for you, got it?" He said stric

y bo

which you will need. Oh, and you should present yourself whenever

er head bris

e gues

y of the room. It contained all

t. She then put on one of the night wears, fr


door, only to find his

didn't expect that you will show

ine an

y ha

a brothe

and Felix was about to call Kristy but

solutely cute. He couldn't r

d anger took over when he saw hi

nd, he exclaim


time without me calling you

in the jar because I found it empty."

are you scar

er looking at Felix like a

glare but Oliver didn

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