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Word Count: 2209 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 25/02/2022


st so he could get some candy, I marched up to him as he stood by the vending

u.Princess.me, I was worried abou

hile my sweet, sweet Prin

flatter me, that was the

ine and promised "I'm sorry, none of what ha

t, you've sat on that plastic chair for 2 weeks straight, sipping on ice tea, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice your back aches, you just won't admit it, I get

t wouldn't

ew me by now, anyway that's no

don't like

end, as soon as the doctor gives us the go ahead, you'll hold my hand, It will be like one of those romance movies, as we walk out the lights behind us sta

my god you ar

chest, "I love listening to

g, you're the

und me and I said "Ther

eon, walked in for the daily procedure. I immediately cut the call. "Hello Mr. Matthews, hear

ning doctor, ho

eaded to the football game

t much of a football f

my blood pressure, I corrected her "P

? They're

the daily procedure, now M.R Matthews te



" I si

s your


of b

er 18,

ws have you had any

shoulder "No

nd Lizzy A. K. A. my future mother in law walked in. Lizzy played multiple roles in my life, she was more of a mother

ne in the room everybody in the room and Lizzy said, "Doctor Edward, Erica I'm so sorry

spent thirty minutes s

you all

odded with a

izzy. I'm just fine, ho

ut you son, temperature

ps earlier on. my bags have been packed, sight has been tested, no

up, I said in a har

s d

you now let's go, I've gotta b

"Shut up and let

He looked at his assistant and said, " Sheryl Tell t

zed, "You might be on your way out of here but the main task at hand is sticking to that medication so you don't come back, the effects of the pil

on't worry doctor I'l

her; The choice i

n when his feet needed to stretch, It brough

nsider the most agonizing pain a woman could ever feel is something i craved so much for, I wanted a baby, I'd make the perfect mother and after a few more years of observing Joshua would make the pe

wards me, I changed direction, increased the speed of my feet movement, but the old woman

ng dear?" she aske

eally wan

w the wedding plans are coming along?" Sarcasm and disrespect were a natural part of her personality, so I headed to my bedroom, on my way there she

shua com


d on walking, she repeated


ca, E

ook off the ring, got into the tub and drowned my body in warm water. The ring brought back flashbacks of the day he proposed to me; it was Valentines night

to work where my vacation time off ended 3 weeks ago. I arrived, walked into the elevator,

if I get fired I'll have Christian and Celine battling to sign me, as I kept walking I heard my co-worker, Shirley, scream, "Erica

hort, I took Joshua home and lost track of time. Where's Charlie

off flirting with some

fle h

with tables covered with files and reports waiting to be filled and signed off so the rich could get richer. Shirley said, "Lunch is in thirty

counts in three days when I got back. If

oth know you aren't going anywhere; his c

eration clean up. We didn't place the right files in the

offered I said "it's fascinating when the door dash driver pays for the meal and adds a little extra, some would assume I know, I know you think I'm us

o Give me a head's up. Her eyes opened wide and her face turned to the blinds; Charlie

wondering if we'd ever see your

ir, yeah a

and insisted, "Can

" She wal

to have a conver

s s

o tax payments are required, tardy behavior won't be taken very lightly from your supervisors. We need more effort; the rest of the staff are observant; soone

tand sir. I'll

east you've tidi

nk y

d, turned around and said, "By the way I hope

e surgery, it was my FiancƩ, Jos

mely tall guy w


ort bal


ny Hispan

g him along one

d he do hi

got to get back to work;

a phone call from my Love "He

w does it feel to be back at work? -What's ne


see you

e what I

f my life, my s

don't do anything stupid,

warehouse and ask the

ed "No!!

Are you still there


'll see you later okay, if you

e, now that's another

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