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Chapter 4 OLIVIA

Word Count: 1648    |    Released on: 16/04/2022

lose. I rushed to the elevator and impatiently waited for a car to arrive. It's been almost eight months since I last had a glimpse of the yacht. I reached the lobby blazi

n you please take me to the marina? I'd

ere, Carlisle will..." He comp

e night of your service. I'll let him know you s

s. For my father! Yes, for him. Right, umm, you can drop me off and come back here.

ht about walking through those halls and dancing from deck to deck. How good would that be? I'm guessing she's around about eighty meters long with her deep grey exterior lower deck and white upper decks. She has three

" I read

o avoid being suspicious. When they got past, I continued walking towards the yacht. I feel so tiny compared to her. It's like I'm nothing but a small spec in the crowd that didn't make any difference. Spectating doesn't fill the void of curiosity. Hey, it's only one in a million chance you get to see a yacht this up close and personal. Wouldn't hu

the sides. She's huge and luxurious, but I can't help feeling the loneliness within. There's a hint of sadness within these halls. Like an empty, dull reality reminiscent of and mirroring the slightest of my pains. I push the thoughts aside upon reaching the bow and bravely went towards the edge. It's kind of scary, liberating even since there's nothing to stop you from falling. I danced and twirled around to my heart's content. Savoring this rare moment. I giggled. It's getting colder and windier, but it's nothing compared to how I'm feeling inside. I embraced the freezing Delphian winds and kept my arms wrapped around my body. I stood there for a few minutes. Swayed to the soft blows of the evening wind. I watched the moon. Wishing for time to stop and

ere coming from the waters below. I looked down and saw a pair of dolphins swimming around as if they were responding

dy stand to full attention. How odd? Sh*t! She may have heard me. "Identify

my eyes and raised my hands, slowly turned around and my mouth almost literally fell on the ground. I could not believe what I saw. My gaze slowly sw

otter th

's more beautiful than the moon. I think she's the Moon Goddess herself in a mortal's body. I couldn't see much of the colors of her eyes, but they are a pair of gorgeous orbs that stare straight right through me. Her skin was flawless and fair. It was smooth a

those lips. I never knew such a w

d again. Softly demanding an answer

senses, standing at attention. How can someone be small yet hot and intimidating at the same time? She took a few steps m

I swam to the surface and gasped for air. After calmin

o, uh, just to sing. Yeah! that's all. Believe me. Please forgive me?" I said, while shivering in the cold water. "Plus... plus, you sho

ng was fine, one dolphin sla

night be any weirder? I heard a giggle from above and looked up. I saw the goddess smile. She giggled. Sh

ht, Sena?" asked anoth

, don't worry. Just som

owly swam towards the shore. She didn't wave back. But she was sm

ed at the thought

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1 Chapter 1 PROLOGUE 2 Chapter 2 PRIMO3 Chapter 3 DELPHI4 Chapter 4 OLIVIA5 Chapter 5 BLOODY MARGARITA6 Chapter 6 RESURRECTION: SENA'S POV PART 17 Chapter 7 RESURRECTION: SENA'S POV PART 28 Chapter 8 EL CAPITáN9 Chapter 9 DOUBTS10 Chapter 10 PROFILE11 Chapter 11 ATLAS12 Chapter 12 STAND13 Chapter 13 PLANS: BRIAN'S POV14 Chapter 14 FROM A FAR: SENA'S POV AT ATLAS PART 115 Chapter 15 FROM A FAR: SENA'S POV AT ATLAS PART 216 Chapter 16 EMILIA: SENA'S POV PART 117 Chapter 17 EMILIA: SENA'S POV PART 218 Chapter 18 RITES19 Chapter 19 PROPOSAL: PART 120 Chapter 20 PROPOSAL: PART 221 Chapter 21 SHRINE OF THE MOON GODDESS: PART 122 Chapter 22 SHRINE OF THE MOON GODDESS: PART 223 Chapter 23 ANOINTING: PART 124 Chapter 24 ANOINTING: PART 225 Chapter 25 BOURBON SKIES: SENA'S POV PART 126 Chapter 26 BOURBON SKIES: SENA'S POV PART 227 Chapter 27 SNOW LION: PART 128 Chapter 28 SNOW LION: PART 229 Chapter 29 LINCOLN: PART 1 SENA'S POV30 Chapter 30 LINCOLN: PART 2 SENA'S POV31 Chapter 31 SEGUI IL TUO CUORE32 Chapter 32 BREAKING CHAINS, RAGING FIRE: PART 133 Chapter 33 BREAKING CHAINS, RAGING FIRE PART 234 Chapter 34 IMPULSE: SENA'S POV35 Chapter 35 RESTART36 Chapter 36 E. LEWIS: PART 137 Chapter 37 E. LEWIS: PART 238 Chapter 38 SAVIOUR: PART 139 Chapter 39 SAVIOUR: PART 240 Chapter 40 2 MINUTES: PART 141 Chapter 41 2 MINUTES: PART 242 Chapter 42 FIRST FLIGHT: PART 143 Chapter 43 FIRST FLIGHT: PART 244 Chapter 44 FRUITY MISCHIEF45 Chapter 45 NIGHT AT MONTE CARLO46 Chapter 46 WALTZ OF ROSES: PART 147 Chapter 47 WALTZ OF ROSES: PART 248 Chapter 48 BARGAIN49 Chapter 49 ACE: PART 150 Chapter 50 ACE: PART 251 Chapter 51 362452 Chapter 52 SHABBY: PART 153 Chapter 53 SHABBY: PART 254 Chapter 54 PARTNERS55 Chapter 55 FULL SPEED: SENA'S POV56 Chapter 56 WHISPERS TO THE DEAD57 Chapter 57 TRANQUILITY: PART 158 Chapter 58 TRANQUILITY: PART 259 Chapter 59 MOON RIVER60 Chapter 60 RUBIES AND SAPPHIRES61 Chapter 61 TEMPERAMENTAL STORMS: PART 162 Chapter 62 TEMPERAMENTAL STORMS: PART 263 Chapter 63 FAREWELL64 Chapter 64 LOIS I: PART 165 Chapter 65 LOIS I: PART 266 Chapter 66 LOIS II: PART 1 SENA & LINC'S POV67 Chapter 67 LOIS II: PART 2 SENA & LINC'S POV68 Chapter 68 LOIS II: PART 3 SENA & LINC'S POV69 Chapter 69 TEMPLE OF GATHERING: PART 170 Chapter 70 TEMPLE OF GATHERING: PART 271 Chapter 71 KINTSUGI: PART 172 Chapter 72 KINTSUGI: PART 273 Chapter 73 LIVE ON, LIVE FREE74 Chapter 74 SANDS OF TIME: PART 175 Chapter 75 SANDS OF TIME: PART 276 Chapter 76 MORIBUND: PART 177 Chapter 77 MORIBUND: PART 278 Chapter 78 LOST AND FOUND: PART 179 Chapter 79 LOST AND FOUND: PART 280 Chapter 80 CLOSER TO YOU: PART 1 SOFIA'S POV81 Chapter 81 CLOSER TO YOU: PART 2 SOFIA AND SENA'S POV82 Chapter 82 CLOSER TO YOU: PART 3 LINC, SENA AND SOFIA'S POV83 Chapter 83 CLOSER TO YOU: PART 4 SENA and LINC'S POV84 Chapter 84 CLOSER TO YOU: PART 5 SENA AND LINC'S POV85 Chapter 85 CLOSER TO YOU: PART 6 SENA AND LINC'S POV