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I Am Not Your Victim.


Word Count: 4674    |    Released on: 18/02/2022



arture left me feeling cold. I understand his need to do other things. He is the alpha'

ing his gaze from Gabriel's form disappea

body structure you would expect a Beta to have. Although handsome, Tanner wasn't as attractive to me as Gabriel. He had a nice personality. He had golden hair; buzz cut lik

little uncomfortable

ile he offered me his elbow. I stepped out of my comfort z

e had held me prisoner that I have had an appetite to eat. There is steak, potatoes, steamed vegetables, and desserts galore. Tanner laughed at my full plate. It was filled so full

lpha Gabe is acting so

Alpha Titus in his office. He brough

es. He is preparing to take his father's place. It is a heavy weig

y hard for him to pr

ng Gabe to find a mate. They don't want him to c

te makes him happy. It is so unfair to Alpha's and Luna's like him to have to make decisions b

large flat plot of land which surrounded this side of the packhouse. I saw lush green grass, and full green trees. Beautiful rose bushes, and other miscellaneous and colorful plants line

the rest of the area." With a mouth full of food, he had a funny looking face which

beautiful sight if you are just now seeing it

d into my room first. Then you can take me exploring." He gave me

. How did you find your way

long story. I am just happy to be here, and I do e

We don't deserve such a beauty like you.

u are handsome as well." I s

Mine's name is Maze." Tanner loo

s four days from now." Tanner coughed, seemingly

on the same day as the solar

l though I am looking for

the more powerful wolf would kill the other by mistake. If the mate of the wolf born on the day of a solar eclipse and summer solstice is born first on a regular day then he or she will obtain their power once marked by their mate. It is also said that there is a reason for a wolf with this strength to be born. It is to fight

ieve them though." I laughed. "Trust m

eve I'm your mate." Tanner was smiling at me. I could tell he wasn't being serious. He was

power." We both laughed at our joke as we continued to eat our food. I was having a pleasant time

was drilling holes into my skull. She had blonde hair that was straight and shoulder length in color. Her skin was slightly tanned, it made her look like she was fresh from the beach. Her ar

k happy, is she something to you?" he didn't even turn aroun

ity hit me, not understanding if we

ow?" pushing his pla

o her? I bet she has her nose stuck straight in the

r turned his whole body in his chair to look in the direction of the girl, n

hey are close family friends of Gabriel's parents. She has hated me ever since I called her out on how selfish and pacified she is. She stays uptight unless she is near Gabriel, always putting on an act." I covered my mouth to conceal my laugh threatening to escape my mouth as he pretended to be her "oh, Gabe! Baby, this, baby, that." Throwing his hands in the air in a dramatic way to exagg

rent Alpha and Luna to let Samantha be betrothed to Gabe. Once Gabe found out about what they were trying to do he lost his sh*t. He is a nice guy, but when he is mad you can tell he has alpha blood in him. The guy spews authority and he is only nineteen years old. Gabe's mother and father would never make him take a mate that he wasn't happy with. I know some packs still do that kind of thing though. That is one thing that I can say about our pack. Our Alpha and Luna ru

yself worthy of being part of this pack. I would not interfere with Gabe and Samantha's relationship. After finishing our meal, we cleaned our table. Not because we had to, but because it was the right thing to do. Just because there are people to keep up the dining

am so tired not only physically but mentally. I could use a long nap. As we got closer to Samantha and the other girls with her, I realized jus

ntha asks Tanner. N

Harper, she became a part of our pack only this morning." Turning to l

ecting her to shake it, but she didn't! I thought with a frown that I didn't let it reach my eyes. Straightening

funds that are supposed to be used for real pack members only." Laughing and looking at the other girls with her, she was seeking their approval of the shade she had just thrown at me. Heat flooded my face, this time I was blinded by my ang

yself and adjusting my clothes I stood straight and glared at Tanner. He had a smirk on his face. I know he was just amused by

on out of you. It looked like you were about to explode and spit lava all over her face!" bending over Tan

you did. It would be a real shame if I lost my temper my first

Gabriel is going to show someone else more attention than her." I stared at Tanner. I was shocked that he would write me off so quickly, before even seeing me training. I decided against telling him just how easy I could knock Samantha down a few feet. I would just show him wh

ion?" This was my firs

tribute to our Moon Goddess. It is a huge party, all of our ally pa

would be confusing still to humans who don't know that werewolves are real. I shut the door to my room. With my back pressed up against the door, I let out a long sigh. It was almost like a breath that I had been holding. I looked around the room...my room. I knew I wouldn't be a prisoner to Alpha Thane forever, I would escape through death if I had to. Right now, standing in this room, realization hit. I was on my own. Sure, I have a pack again, and they are all nice and welcoming. This is me on my own for the first ti

-left corner was a long modern window spanning from the ceiling to the floor. There wasn't a place to hang curtains over it. I wouldn't want to cover that view anyway. There was lush green grass covering the property that had a slight roll in the landscape. Even though it wasn't flat, the way it was arranged made it like looking at a picture rather than out of a window. Following the long length of the property, I could see the view of a beautiful lake. The sun was starting to set and there was a red sunset that reflected on the water. I was on the fourth floor. I had to strain to see straight below me. A walkway that looked just like the one I saw while I was in the dining

y left was a long marble vanity that took up the full length of the bathroom wall. A single built-in sink was located to the left side of the vanity and a chair was positioned to the right side of the sink. It's the perfect place to apply makeup. The mirror attached to the wall above the vanity, fills the rest of the space on the wall. It ran all the way to the top of the ceiling with lighting conveniently aligned in a rectangle running around the entire edge of the mirror. Between the sink and the chair was a buil

own to his shoulders. I know if he ever cut it, he wouldn't feel like my dad anymore. Tears fell onto my bed, as I looked at their smiling faces. I placed the picture back into my diary and closed it. I slid my diary into the drawer of the bedside table. I continued to empty the contents of my backpack onto my bed, being careful not to let my backpack touch the blanket. It was dirty and torn from my time running through the wilderness. Once empty, I tossed my backpack into the trashcan next to my door. Turning my attention back, what little I had left of my childhood home I took my only change of clothes which were my favorite gym outfit I used when I trained. It was a cute peach colored twist back sports bra and leggings. I unpacked an extra pair of shoes. They weren't the same color as my outfit, but they still matched. I w

imbed in. I snapped the lamp next to me off. Once my eyes adjusted, my room was dark. The only light came from the window. The moon light shined through producing a soft light that covered my room. My mind wandered to Alpha Gabriel. Remembering his face in my mind. I thought about his possessive silver eyes. They were dangerous, but invited me in. His tossed black hair gave off that sexy bad boy vibe. I thought about his beaming bright smile, and that heated smirk that he gave me today. Then his body...The way his muscles were hardly contained beneath his shirt. I thought about how his ab muscles must

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