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The Warriors' Bane

The Warriors' Bane


Chapter 1 : A Battle on the Beach

Word Count: 938    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

th Battlelust; Selmas c

Selmas almost can't tell his own clan apart from those they are fighting, the Bizantin, who are clothed in deep navy tunics, fringes of fabric whipping in tornadoes around their

ch and driving her elbow into his kidneys. Selmas winces, because he knows that's painful, and then his attention is pulled away by a sharp cry as one of the foreigners falls, an arrow in their eye. Selmas

in who killed them tears the blade free, blood spraying across his clothing, but he doesn't seem to notice. Teeth bared, he s

rior is caught up in his rage. He snarls at the fallen enemy, like a warning to stay down even though

arly into the water. He holds his breath as he watches Byrin fall into the surf as his opp

he other fighter over, water spraying around them. He draws his fist back and delivers a hard strike to the person's face, and they stop thrashing. Byrin barely pauses

the Bizantin, Alyris' Warriors have lessened the numbers considerably, and now all that's left are smaller groups of blue-clad fighters, pressing togeth

for which becomes apparent as a volley of arrows blazes from the tree line, striking the

their vessels. Their lack of manpower is made even more apparent when only two of the five ships limp out o

shout insults after the retreating ships; a pair launch themselves at each other and start a friendly fight, feet digging tren

and of his trousers, plucking the pencil from the knot at the back of h

nemies are getting worn down, or the Alyrisin are getting stronger. T

es are at one and a half, because Nyke is favoring her right leg. The only f

sustained more losses. Not many more, but more. By one. Regardless, it was a successful defense, and he's sure that tonight's celeb

ose around his collar, and Selmas

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1 Chapter 1 : A Battle on the Beach2 Chapter 2 : Caught in the Act3 Chapter 3 : Battlelust Lingering4 Chapter 4 : Weapon Making5 Chapter 5 : The Visitors6 Chapter 6 : The Ceremony7 Chapter 7 : The First Rage8 Chapter 8 : Versus Gwynfor9 Chapter 9 : Accusations10 Chapter 10 : True or False11 Chapter 11 : Imprisonment12 Chapter 12 : Escapees13 Chapter 13 : Flight From Alyris14 Chapter 14 : Wister15 Chapter 15 : Dinner with the Future-In-Laws16 Chapter 16 : Bait and Hook17 Chapter 17 : Breaking the Engagement18 Chapter 18 : Interlude-Mordyn19 Chapter 19 : Next Steps20 Chapter 20 : Trial and Error21 Chapter 21 : Under the Surface22 Chapter 22 : The Mural23 Chapter 23 : Trapped in the Tunnels24 Chapter 24 : Spider-Webs25 Chapter 25 : Spider-Chase26 Chapter 26 : Escaping the Caves27 Chapter 27 : To Iun28 Chapter 28 : Tavern Brawl29 Chapter 29 : Jigen and Aisling30 Chapter 30 : Kidnapped31 Chapter 31 : Explanations32 Chapter 32 : Revelations33 Chapter 33 : Selmas Found34 Chapter 34 : The Caravan35 Chapter 35 : Interlude-Alyris36 Chapter 36 : Arrival at Mordyn37 Chapter 37 : Inside the Mountain38 Chapter 38 : The Walking Dead39 Chapter 39 : Crossing the Chasm40 Chapter 40 : Gunpowder41 Chapter 41 : The Bridge42 Chapter 42 : The Depths43 Chapter 43 : Elyhandros44 Chapter 44 : The Bloodstone's Curse45 Chapter 45 : The Start of a Vision46 Chapter 46 : Sword and Anvil47 Chapter 47 : Interlude-The Forging of the Stone48 Chapter 48 : Zehan Explains49 Chapter 49 : Destruction of the Bloodstone50 Chapter 50 : Wayfinding