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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1400    |    Released on: 08/02/2022


cel the meeting?" Giovanni stared at

at Salvatore asked her to cancel the meeti

e CEO asked me to tell everyone," She bowed he

ly, the promise behind Salvatore's look made her s

is Salvator

in his

yone in their seat. Isabella didn't wai

lagged from travelling such a distance and we all have to agree that he needs to rest. I should have though

meeting, my PA would get in touch with

king their leave, but that wasn't

ce room and head towards Salvatore's office. He wa

office door, the sound of grunts and moans was cle

r so hard that the moaning sound cea

they would keep on ignoring him un

forced to do what you don't like," he pounded on the door wit

stepped out, her hair dishevell

he already suspected Salvatore was going to sleep with her when she almo

ped her feet on the

bout?" he asked once he l

on't just come barging into my office as if you own

d you become so much worse? You even have t

ou, Gio, because I will be glad to do it,

ll not let you ruin our family legacy just because you can't keep it in your pants for a fe

of Isabella's desk a

I set my eyes on you, I knew without being

Rosso," sh

ou bitch," he snapped. "If I ever hear you calling my family name again, I will en

fed once Giov

tters is the fact that Salvatore touch

" someone sai

wned at the young girl, who was staring at

Mr De Rosso did to

frown deepens. "Get back to your po

only gotten to sleep with the boss just one day and you are feeling on

from her, but was quick to regain her composure when the imag

how long I have been wanting to have

magination," she drew in her bottom lip and sucked on it



om of a mini flat, and the sizzling sound of

meat filled the air,

asked, craning her head to see wh

d, and I told you it would be r

minutes ago, and you want me n

p watching that old show, and come here t

cook, it's a was

husband, and you would k

et a cook, 'cause I'm sure my hus

iana's turn to

opes up?" she walked out of the ki

table, turning to ra

she p

hat you deserve, not the life where you feel

Luciana said, her voice

ic again, right? You love hidin

ess. Keep to yourself and I will do the same,

ed on, "And by that time, it will be too l

when you will know what act

stop talking like you've been

have not been in your shoes to know how you f

. Take yourself out, go clubbing, but not

r your opinion,"

it lies in your hand," Aria stood up from where she wa

without eating?

ife, while I pretend to be the best friend in th

aced her head on her arm and let the

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