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My vampire

Chapter 9 9

Word Count: 423    |    Released on: 07/02/2022

u as reckless? A high profile vi

n offer by our associates in the Middle East—the Ashirra. Of course, her father didn't know that when he came here, and s

ing that warranted such an

East has its advantages, and we have appearances to maintain. Up until recently, we in the Camarilla knew little about Ashirra—they're vampires with rather strange customs—but

ve-board? We wouldn't want to attract

ve-board? We wouldn't want to attract

t is and is not 'above-board,' as you so quaintly put it. And if Eden and Qui can't kee

ent during your celeb

if Eden wants to talk with him, s


s to break the Prince's online blackout, she'll hav

"Couldn't we have mortal represen

mediate future—the Middle East is a dangerous place for us these days. The Gehenna War is growing out of control, and with so many elders being compel

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