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My little superhero

Chapter 3 Surprises coming

Word Count: 711    |    Released on: 31/01/2022


y married and thank God for I got th

rby in the Bernadeau stadium and the atmosphere was

ave to wash t

ma gets upset and won't make dinner

ergetic that she makes a fine dinn

n feeling a bit dizzy and h

r to check on her, and n

a wh

t and asked me to

my wife are w

my wife next to the doctor's desk, I looked at my wife

not a good time to act weird o

ng she does


r spoke u

e to assure you that your

m in confusion

is good new

my wife interp


l be



only eight months old, and

had a lung problem and

ld be able to breathe on his own so they kep

nd after 2 months he was finally able to breathe on his own, but he then had a bad feve

Allah prot

s of coffee in his hands and handed on

worry m

be alright he is our little fighte

a resp

iping h

old we only took him home a few times and were scared to

his wife with com

why I named

smiled a

the sahabi of Rasool Allah

iled back

now why I picked

seconds, he

t, a passion that made him a gr

known for his ju

for him again. some kids pointed at a man sleeping under a tree, the man was shocked Omar was the Khalifa (ruler or leader) of Muslims yet there he was sleeping

that he fights through this and grows to be stro

usband and said, "in

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