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Chapter 3 003

Word Count: 1426    |    Released on: 30/01/2022

e in this society. My cock was already hard again, pushing my scant underwear up and out. The nurse peeked over at my penis, then flicked it hard, laughing to h

ny other times I had been naked before women. On festival days all men went naked in public by custom, and we mostly swam and exercised naked too

ly in private, alone in my then-in-girlfriend's apartment. Now I was bare and exposed because I didn't

ridding them of hair too. Next, she made sure I couldn't grow a beard. Losing my stubble made me feel ten years younger. In the mirror mounte

longer than my seventeen-week term before things started to grow back. I had shaved my pubes into the fashionable landing strip, but m

and my cheeks began to burn bright red with shame. In the mirror, I no longer looked like a man. I was reduced to

id. "How old are you?" she asked, th

t, mistress,

if not quite there yet. There's nothing like a complet

The doctor stood tapping her foot. She looked over to the wal

, mistress.

n I am." I thought that was odd, given how young the nurse looked, but the doctor went on, "Good wor

o the touch. I gasped as she thrust it into my crotch, then felt my cock shrivel down to an embarrassing size as

base of my penis, clicking it closed behind my balls, then slid the cage over my shaft. It snapped into receivers in the ring, and th

. I was a naked, hairless slave boy with my cock locked in a little cage. The doctor looked at me and tapped some commands into her tablet. The chast

ned over control of your body to us, that included your health nanites. It also included the right for us to adapt your nanites to

e fully stocked on those, but we've not had enough younger-looking males in recently. I know, I know, you're only twenty-eight, and

es and plunged it into my backside. It stung

they do their work, but if you lik

rms became thinner, as did my legs. The traces of body fat in my midriff disappeared and my ribs stood out again. My hair thickened a little, its brown follicles becoming wavier. The t

n't stop blushing as the doctor and the nurse-slave re-entered the room. The nurse stood me back up an

harms. And at least we didn't have to shrink your cock down like the size 6 who came in earlier. Slim slave boys like you need 3s and 4s. Oh, but you do blush so adorably. Did you know your psych profi

te. All in order, apparently. She took blood samples and had me pee into a cup, looked over my teeth and tongue, and checked my hearing and vision. E

You're in excellent physical condition. I'm sure your new owner will be very happy. Now, you ne

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