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Fatal Storm (Tashan of Mr. Beast & Ms. Fake)

Chapter 4 Ms. Gupta

Word Count: 3024    |    Released on: 11/02/2022

ached to open the large door. The door made a creaking sound when she pushed it open. She bit her lip apologetically entering the large room, inhaling the scented candles. Her eyes wandered ar

es on the Infinite power. The power which was the only hope for those who vi

She was sharp and witty for the people, but for herself, she didn't fail to remind herself that her roughness w

as make my life. Please be my anchor." She prayed inwardly and arranged the candle in the candle holder with her

hired a cab to reach the single destination she had been

al Corpor

which reeked of cleanliness and discipline. Once done paying, she stepped out and eyed the top floor of the bu

asions hoping to catch one glimpse of Shaurya Singhal in person, but her luck wasn't on her side. The opportunity landed

ig the answers hidden deep inside his heart, she wasn't certain but

s, and mumbled, "Mumma

alked straight with long determined strides; her bod

rutinised the lady in black whose appearance didn't only screamed dominance but even h

tor to the last floor, all the way checking her

rorised her for a second. It looked as if she was standing on a graveyard mourning for som

right in the corner; sighing she made her way to the

he interview."

er from top to bottom. It was a first to see someone coming on the

g your eyes?" She asked irritated of the stare. Th

ofessionally, he seemed a genuine person with a calm face and smile, unlike the Beast whom people called a typhoon even if

ed himself forwarding his hand. San

recognise me?" San

her two girls are here already, I assumed you to be

could ease the environment in seconds even th

the way she answered every question on the call confidently. He hoped for the mega smile like ev

for the interview?" Saniya ask

als us, Ms Singh will inform you. Please be seated in the waiting room." He replied and nodded at the receptionist; h

ed the company, but Saniya was least bothered by any of it. Neither

ky, and mumbled, "Your bad time starts now, Mr Singhal. You won't even know what hit you and how. A

he clock kept on ticking away, but there was no sign of the female. Saniya waited anxiously; her eyes drifting from the receptionist desk to the entrance of the leading way to the

n that any interview goes this long." Saniya burst pis

was more than enough to boil her blood because she could sense already of what was happening inside. She had heard p

ooden. Taking a deep breath, she twisted the doorknob and entered his

ut get close to him. Any sane girl couldn't tame a man as egoistic like him. Only a female who lacked indisc

irely and stepped in the middle, breaking his bubble of the

e decency in your o

his head from Nandini's neck; a smirk made its way on the sides of his sexy mouth as for the first

nd then at the female who disturbed their pleasurable moment. Shaurya closed his shirt buttons while Nandini stood up on he

usting in h

sensuous, sight of the girl whose plump lips were the first thing that caught

, as she pierced her hazel gaze into his deep grey orbs which turned dark with every passing minute as she wasn't ready to back off from sh

rst meeting only, but to lighten the atmosphere, she spoke in

er dreams,"If you think by thrusting your mouth with his, you will get the job th

re, Shaurya smirked, but little did he kn

ger on Shaurya's arms, she spoke in a seductive tone

" I guess you have some difficulty in your internal system to analyse things. Making out with you doesn't mean you got the job. Surely, you are good at se

ate increased for him ten times more. Nandini gave a dirty look to Shaurya, and marched out of his cabin, banging the door shut, leaving

an evil smile. An unknown emotion flickered

aid her name. His dead heart unusually liked the rhythm of her name on his tong

ove, but she couldn't tr

s eyes landed on her lips automaticall

ke this now?" He crossed his one leg on the ot

ing in riddles? Can you be more specifi

idgeted nor any sweat bead formed on her forehead by his proximity which angered him. For a while, he observed her; seeing her

irectly. The hazel orbs pierced right through the grey orbs again; confidence and dominance fought over the othe

ed breaking the silence. She simpl

you? Are you my father?"

ugh then you disrespect me. Don't you want the job?" He stated an

r your room to remind you that other people could be waiting. And when you have analysed my every nerve, then why don't you see my IQ by a

ed, "You're way too confident and s

qualities too?" She replie

rustration, and demanded,

ember, you should be asking about my skills and qualifica

nd then ran his index finger on

the need to even ask about them now? Isn't it?" He used her approach on

with her. There was something about her which was different and Shaurya could exactly feel it. No one has

ht in front of him with a fire

iend. Happy?" She rep

red and she stood up to leave,

cted." He declared a

hal. My job is done over here, so I will join tomorrow at 9, like everyone el

ed at the door still in a trance. Nothing he said or did, affected her. It appalled him

come fro

her reached to

hay who entered the cabin

" He whispered

t time his best friend was whispering


and we've to find out." Shaurya

sked suppressing his chuckles w

roblem?" Shaury

you, so you think she is not what she seems to be. Seriously, Shaurya is there a rule to fear you always?" Ab

em for Saniya, after all, she is your se

whether you glare or whether you shout, it w

so much?" Shaurya asked curious

centrate on your work," Abhay replied

al say and as he eyed the assistant desk kept in t

haurya's hel

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1 Chapter 1 Synopsis2 Chapter 2 Prelude3 Chapter 3 The Begining...4 Chapter 4 Ms. Gupta5 Chapter 5 Seal The Contract! 6 Chapter 6 Sweetheart, are you mine 7 Chapter 7 Leave!8 Chapter 8 What can happen next 9 Chapter 9 Rub it off!10 Chapter 10 Deal with it!11 Chapter 11 Surprise like a baby! 12 Chapter 12 The High Stool! 13 Chapter 13 Meet his little Sweetheart14 Chapter 14 Mother Devil!15 Chapter 15 Contract or Orders! 16 Chapter 16 Paradise...of...17 Chapter 17 THE S! 18 Chapter 18 Game ON! (Part 1)19 Chapter 19 Game ON! (Part 2)20 Chapter 20 Baby Regret!21 Chapter 21 The conscience22 Chapter 22 Some care for the rare!23 Chapter 23 Wear the Tie like you don't know the knot!24 Chapter 24 Drive to Trust!25 Chapter 25 Trust, Really 26 Chapter 26 The Real spy!27 Chapter 27 Barbie Doll and Euphoria, can't happen! 28 Chapter 28 The Beast's slow churner kiss...29 Chapter 29 You didn't saw this coming, did you 30 Chapter 30 The Conceited lies...31 Chapter 31 The Come Back...32 Chapter 32 Gotcha...33 Chapter 33 When the nightmare becomes scarier...34 Chapter 34 Four Days...35 Chapter 35 The Revenge...36 Chapter 36 Foe land...37 Chapter 37 The beast roars...38 Chapter 38 The pride of the kisser...39 Chapter 39 Mess or trash so what when Shaurya is back...40 Chapter 40 The Death of the Sinner...41 Chapter 41 The Beast's dead heart...42 Chapter 42 Shaurya Singhal's Past...What's that 43 Chapter 43 The Big Fat Dirty Past...44 Chapter 44 The Nothing...45 Chapter 45 I'm not for you...but you're the one for me!46 Chapter 46 Texta-ti-on-ship...47 Chapter 47 I'll never consider your feelings...48 Chapter 48 Once a beast...now, a goner...49 Chapter 49 LADY BEAST.50 Chapter 50 A Twist in a twist...51 Chapter 51 Mirthless ghost...52 Chapter 52 The real mastermind...53 Chapter 53 The hell she studies...54 Chapter 54 What does he truly desire 55 Chapter 55 I'm sorry...56 Chapter 56 The Destruction is damn near!57 Chapter 57 The Inner suffering...58 Chapter 58 Goodbyes...59 Chapter 59 She lost him...60 Chapter 60 He's an angel...61 Chapter 61 Romance With Files...62 Chapter 62 Bridal Issues...63 Chapter 63 Baby Process64 Chapter 64 A Beast Got his Happily After