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The Rain Of Ruins

Chapter 3 Episode 3

Word Count: 2041    |    Released on: 08/02/2022

t home, and nei

it. l turned on my laptop; all l browsed was pornography. My life was taking a different dimension. I was walking through a path that was foreign to me, a path in which l needed guidance.

ordered to watch the old man closely against any suspicious mov

d once seen him going into a hotel with Mum. I asked asked Mum, later on, and s

mples, my heart seemed to have dropped into my stomach. Tiny bead

ions. James had assured me that we would always come out clean as long we did a neat job, My panicky eyes stared at the old man as bloo

for this; how are old are y

sharply, still poin

riends; this will ruin your life

ow off your fat head." I spoke firmly, try

sity and soon he will become a medical doctor; you shouldn't have

t crawled down my cheeks. "Hey, old man, I may look little, but l' m very mean. Shu

, Mum and even myself. My final words to him convinced

htfully at the

e and my breathing rate increased. I grabbed at

one of the robbers involved in the o

ll you boy; James thundered on g

ground. What l feared most was that

et's leave here quick qu

at the corpse in front of me. Tears tr

e entered the car, I looked out through the window only to see Mr great's wife and children

t a matter of time; you will have to kill more people on this path you

self. I let my head flop downwards to rest on the my raised knees. I already knew that l was never going to the university. Dad has try convincing me, but l had stood m

was unusually open; l entered slowly and closed the door behind me. All the rooms were closed except Dad's room. l walked in carefully and to my greatest

in Dad's room?" I que

my room so l came here to get some ai

ing with her. l seemed hit below the belt at the sight of provocative display of her long, shapely and spotlessly fair legs, which made my lips watery. "l had to taste

ding my hands from

your proble

sees us like this?

ly; so we are safe." she protes

l," l shouted, p

eave me alone. l said leave me

apper that was on her; she tried to stand, but my strong hands held her firm. l had to do it by force, since she refused

d walked hurriedly towards the door. l opened the door and stared in amazement. it

her exclaimed ra

why Crystal is on dis

n my room? Has she lost her mind?" His eyebrow

w on me, did he think l could ea

t Crystal was already out. "W

of course," l

were frozen in place like that of a plaster statue in an abandoned corner

sing came in. As soon Blessing saw me, she left out

last night?" Mothe

f yours is that," l re

that manner? Are you nuts?"

sband that has g

? l just walked out on her and went towards the corridor. l saw Father ran out of Crystal's room as

om quietly. Father got dressed, minutes later

had gone to see James at 2

old you to buy?" James vo

on, let's go get

usi, saying that l was small god, even tho

we could cross. immediately, a motorcycle stop in front of us and two huge men came down. Both of them wore a black T-shirt and a black tro

one, abi the ot

rtner, pointing a gun

" he replied. "Hey, don't move or l blow your head," One

n job, which one em be

ng at our heads. My heart pounded wildly, my chee

not this guy, then it will be the other; let me clea

ore any problem," the other said. They zoo

s entire body was soaked in his own blood. my knees were frozen in the earth and my mouth flopped open. l began to s

owing stones at me. "Holla m! Catch am! He is a murdere

ise, a car stopped beside me; the driver gesticulated that l should enter the car. l di

. "James, are you really the one?" l asked, still panting. It was as though my head was turned upside down. Everything seemed to appear


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