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The Alpha's Lucky Slave

Chapter 6 Six

Word Count: 2488    |    Released on: 17/01/2022

ith her clothing on, her bid

usand go

before said again, the warden's

face, unbelievable, Envaline's bid

ht, already en

, five hundre

face filled with mischief, but the first man remained unbothered, unco

and five hund

at the amount of money he wa

usand gol

ting, am not sure an insane man cou

ousand go

nshaken at his words, and the second guy looked shocked at the first man's words, but an expression of someth

e and the slave

, Sharriah was shocked at his action, likewise the warden, he was not expecting to receive such treatment from a very high man just because of a slave. The

, as she hoped, seems like Envaline won't be sold together with her a

ine St

ames of the slaves for the auction, whose name she later came to know

her to the auditorium, but

er to the audi

eave a mark, and as she yelped in pain at his sudden act, the buyers turned towards her at the attention she ca

ave, you won't like her val

mile on the warden's face, the

ered attitude, she is a very beau

slave yet for himself, even though he was the one that ordered for the sale of slaves in the b

s quite stubborn, ferociou

roared at

er, are quite inte

with joy, eyes sparkling to l

a slave, the mark of a sla

, the people scampered away from the man who owns the voice that could destroy their lives and make them beg for mercy, the warden basked out from her, Sharriah. Sharriah was also shocked at the voice of the person, bowing down, she heard another growl, she rose her head immediately to the owner




r M

to her before, these had never happened to her, and she was surprised to

still yet, not denying the fact, the man is undeniably handsome and sexy, his hair, a thick black, making the color of his skin, toned and flawless, and she felt these connection with him, while staring at him, she noticed the warden coming back towards her, at the warden's movement, she noticed the man fold his h

art from two hun

er quite well, and it made her winced, they


iet at once, everyone shot down at his words, no one was gonna bid

housand g

ew bidder as he walked to the audition ground, as he came forwar

s darknes

arrival of the first man, it seemed like they

ee thousand

these attracted a lot

housand g

and at that moment, she knew those two were not ordin

ee thousand

, looking at second man,

e thousand

mirk on his face, showing he w

ty thousand silver coins and fou

shouts at his bid, these was the highest ever placed in an

s in one, two,

nt that happened few minutes ago, stil

iamonds and silver, that was too big to reckon with. She was brought back to reality when she saw someone, raising her arms up to her face, obviously asking her a question, but she could nor understand the ques


to talk or look at her new master, who she felt a connection with, and afraid of, he was no

slave to have a connection wit


in, and she was shocked at the touch s

these to

ted her, she won't still be a normal human, but a slave, something in her hurt, and then she

caused b

dain, and she wished the guard would be punished well for al

rd did the

is words, nor sure if she should ta

discipline her, so she does not

pha king, the king of the werewolves, she was shocked at the realization, she always heard the stories about

own frequently when he talked, his aura signified power a

hands were free, no longer held by the alpha, and she saw the guard, Farin, on the floor, his arms broken into two, dispatched from

I won't pay fifty gold coins, inst

ishment he gave to the man wa

lleb, settle th

man who was bargaining her with the alpha, her body shook with fear, fear for a friend who helped her escape the man, whom she considered have a bad and evil aura surrounding him, maybe she would have been the one in her place. As she watched her friend been dragged like a sheep to be slau

about it, you

s they walked to the carriage, he knew what his little

how to attack people, no

she was about to encounter her self in, he st

ed to escape, I will com

s, his eyes darkening with assurance, that he meant what he

cing little by little and it got more darker and darker as they worked,she realized these part of the bla

day, there are other evil creatures around here, who won't think twice of

s kept ringing in her ears, why would any one try to kill her, they don't know who she was, right!!! She

the last time she saw one, then she realized how much she must have missed, as she looked up, she saw another carriage, and the door of the carriage opened, and someone stepped down from the carriage, revealing her best friend Envaline, she was

worked ou

spering to her bes

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