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His Firecracker

Chapter 5 Retaliations

Word Count: 2340    |    Released on: 15/01/2022


nd mine only you got that?” Chad arrogan

ores in the club last night. She is not one who will put up with your p

ys, she is MINE! Do not forget that eve

e room to his car. He gets in drives rather fast to her location

inormous they were he quivered in his pants and could not breathe. For the first tim

own his spine. Right then and there he knew he would never get Bethanie out of there

ruffly said with a straight

yfriend Brad is requesting her prese

his Chad guy and you will be leaving before we se

nd took off never looking back. Once he arrived he had to use the r

on?” Chad text him in a

g you fucking dirty work for you asshole. Peach out bitch.” And



“Get your ass in here, I want her back now. Get her and I do not care how you do it or who dies just get it done. Got it?”

here she is at and we will br

“Good, there will be a reward for you all who do this but do not hurt her. Or there will be hell to pay, understand me?”


to kidnap Bethanie and bring her back. They loaded up th

we got to take care of this shit?” One of the

he group and went back

ell made hi

ass and he never deserved Beth. Quite frankly I am glad

“Got that right man. I just don’t get it what has changed him and why he is so demanding of everything he wants and needs.”

hen he started coming into money. Only a couple of the men would do his running for him but the rest started laying low and ba

more and that’s where they went to him. The men wanted him to pay for what he di

nd Lachlan please. Preferably face to face on neutral

call, “What does

that we talk with him and Bethanie’s new boyfriend. We do not care

rst, but I am going to put y

“Sure, that is perfect and thank you.” Chris is very polite and thankful that they maybe able to save lives and Beths while at it.

bout Beth. Sounds important maybe talk to them we’ll have it taped in case

d they arrive in matter of minutes. He briefed Lachlan through m

and Bethanie here as well as my wife,

rutis came and well he left but we really do not know w

There was laughter on the other end of the call that left Bethanie and the others with questionable states.

o my office so that we can do this meeting face to face. See you in a f

“He probably shit his pants seeing those warriors when they approached him in the car.” They all doubled over except Beth as she had no clue what they were talking about. She would soon know the reason behind their laughter.

her mouth dropped to the floor. She then understood why the others were laughing so hard and she let out a giggle but could not hold it as she

“were you two” laughing hard “

. We could have said, ‘BOO’ and he would shit his

rest and enjoy your families guys. Gentleman

shake hands. Chris hugs Bethanie and Lachlan growls at him to let his

emen here?” Conall ask

we get her back to him as long as we do it and there is a reward for it. The truth of the matter is, sir,

t do you mean by thi

mythical beings like wolves, dragons, lions, cougars, and such,

it off with him he’s so disgusting when

He took all our girls and turned them into prostitutes and they

refugee until we get

much as we could away from him but we know he has a shit load back there. Look man, we do not want to take Beth back and w

“Lachlan she is your mate, sorry Bethanie but you are now part of this clan for life not that goon of an ex-boyfriend.” Conall tells her with all seriousness. 

“We will leave first thing in the morning and Dee will go back with us while you guys take care of this. Bethanie you and Dee go pack your bags now so you two are not doing it at the last minute in the morning.”

ing before we go anywhere.” Dee rolls her eyes in su

she has currently destroy it somehow. This way Brad cannot follow her any longer.” Conall gives Lachl

t him and put him on our cells. If we hand him over to the authorities they won’t handle it and s

Chad on what’s happening and telling him of their plan. He ha

at the pack house. They set out on their way to attack today as they were not going to wait. He text this to the rat that was Chris and h

s locked up in the office. The other warriors, Conall and Lachlan had scattered all around the territory waiting for Chad and his two guys. There was

heir laughter which included his two goons. They belly laughed with tears streaming down their face at th

came to the door. He grabbed Dee but she broke his hand and kicked him in his groin. He doubled over groaning in deep pain h

ht up with them he grabbed Bethanie by the waist carri

back by punching her. Lachlan was in his dragon and he could sense her pain. He kept sight of the car an

towards them and could not believe what she saw. In felt swoop Dee comes flying down changing into

e where Conall is waiting for them. Bethanie has since passed out not from being

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