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Her One and Only

Chapter 2 Date Night

Word Count: 1038    |    Released on: 15/01/2022

which is downstairs too. He came out and took one look at her and his eyes could not stop look

ke a good look at you, all o

ox and opens it for her. She looks at it and it is a diamond necklace with

h, and simply gorgeous. They are breath taking.” S

“These are for you to keep my darling. The earrings represent the love I have for you and lets you know you are my life and the necklace represents you are my world. Wear these and know you will always hold my life and world here in you heart.” He tells her with tears in his eyes and sees that she too has tears in hers. They wipe each other’s tears away before leaving the bedroom.

nd her friend Beth and Colby has come over too. Everyone looked at the be

baked cauliflower and sugar snap peas, salad with homemade goats milk dressing. Cassie had a filet cooked medium and baked potato and salad. M

zing steak.”

“Thank you very much. I thought you may like the steak here.”

you own this beautiful place. What else do you

t wait till you tastes the desert that will be coming ou

Cheese Cake?”

“Not just any Cheese Cake it is a very, very old family recipe handed down through thousands of years. And nothing has been changed at all. I use all natural ingredients flown in from Scotland that we raise on our farms back home.” Cassie’s mouth just drops open trying to say something but no words come out. She does not know what to say, as she takes a bit of the cheese cake.

better than what my mom and dad woul

ner was done, the got up and left. He took her by the hand guiding her out onto the street making a rig

ir seats. Mozart was playing in the foreground along with Bach and Handel. He took her to see the New York Symphony.

t. It is only just five of them this is unbelievable she thought to herself. She also wondered if she was going to stay in his room wit

to get that thought out of her mind quickly. He was asking her a question and she

if you want to stay with me i

leep with you yet if that is ok. I mean I

is many more to have. I can never be upset about sleeping apart from you. But understand if

he yawns big. He shows her the room connected next to him so he could keep an eye on her. He’d feel much b

t he is taller and thrice the size of her. He’s all muscle like the rest of the brothers. He tucked her in bed and kissed her sweet lips

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