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Will You Marry My Groom

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 1358    |    Released on: 12/01/2022

asked Mike, making breakfast for everyon

you." He said with a bow that cau

my boss is so mad at me for

." David chuckled, passing

lized the meal while Mike took h

hatting with them while eating. I was able to get along with them pretty well.

ome reason and were gazing behind m

though it was gentle, st

urse, his annoyingly handsome f

tely rose from the dining chairs and sc

an Hendrix and eating with them will-" he looked like realizat

his class of wealth. What was always wrong with these stupid rich people? None of the rich people I had ever come across were sensible

the chair backward loudly

rm to stop me. "I hate it whe

n I had ever dreamed of but it still wasn't able to quench the fire he had lit in me by constantly remind

tively, shooting deadly dagge

ithout my permission." He

ght to make dec

, you'

'm sorry for disturbing you but I was sent here to inform Mrs. Hendr

you going?" He l

he ba


y." Why was I even

cross his chest. "Don't forget you're now my wife to the world. Tr

gh. "You have no righ

brity, don't do anything stupid else you'll regret it. You

my life. Working at the bakery is something I

under-" he was once again interrup

he door then a man

ng." The ma


for a while then walked to the sofas while

ou here." He smiled for the firs

she insisted on seeing you o

ut seeing me." He ruffled her ha

m, "I told you to

I do it." Imogen s

self from admitting that he looked even more handsome and angelic with that beautiful smile o

formed to a dangerous glare after her brown eyes landed on me, that glare

m, smiling at Imog

t is." Imog

e-class bitch."

s in so much pain, her health is starting to deteriorate but due to money, you won't let us know? I can't

why won't you believe me? I'm also very ma

her head at me. "If anything happens

tan, why haven't you divorced her yet? What the fuck is she still doing here?"

elf from yanking this brat's hair and hitt

e happy again? You'll

help you out with throwing this useless slut


lap to knock some senses into this silly brat's head but Tri

er, his eyes were burning with a deep anger that contrasted his smile earlier. "

lling at m

ising his voice so much. "Hazel is my 'wife' and you should respect and love her as much as you do to me. I won't stand here and watch you call her such f

rence from any third party. I haven't complained to any of you about her, have I?

He pulled me with him then stormed out of the hou

st stand up for me? I could

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