Ignited Love
the lies and the cheating. Just get out! My now ex boyfriend grabs his things, throws his
r did that again. (Few days have passed) I went to work as usual. Even thou
r. Maybe that will cheer me up, I thought to myself. While waiting for my food, there was
around my throat. You are mine and will always be mine. If I can't have you, no one will. Thankfully the d
t of the hold of the driver. After the cops left and took my statement, I decided I had enough. I am going to
ed at a truck stop to grab some food and some sleep. I started driving the next mornin
e grocery store first. Instantly. I felt at home here. I needed to grab a few things. I decide
her if there was somewhere close by where I could get a job. The cashier introduced herself. I'm Annie by the way, I can talk to my sister sh