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The Alpha's Rejected Mate


Word Count: 1097    |    Released on: 27/03/2024

s there is an important mission or announcement in the pack. I’m getting excited about being part of the mission again

you?’ I asked thr

d." He said as he ent

even though he is often overprotective. He alw

ined properly due to the lack of experts in their territory. So, I decided that Kayden, Aden, Simon, Lea, and Angel would go there and tr

u don’t want me leaving our

e, you are also the best and strongest in combat in our group, so

fer to? I didn’t associate with any other pack

of the pack we are goin

pack, The Moon

s nothing left to train the fighters but you. You still hav

d talk to them. Yes, I miss my friend Larni, but is that reason

n, Simon, and Lea. "You guys can leave but Angel and Kayd

e former woman they despise and insult. You are a strong, powerful wolf. You can now face your brother who has abandoned you, and you can even reject your w

o experience the pain caused by our separation from Claw and Gabri

do you thin

as we are together. There are a lot of people who love and protect us now. They can no longer hurt

'm in. When a

urney so be careful. By the way, you will all use a car. I do not want you to travel to the forest and you might even meet rogu

" Kayden and


er we left Mark's office and is now arr

em for a long time. I don’t know what happened after I left. Did they look for me? I don’t

m with you there. Do not think that you

k. I used to think I was going to di

nge Alpha Mark. A big part of his personality was lost when

to pack your things and I need to fi

We both know that you’re a heavy sleeper. Don’t overthink

el react when h

again. I will tell you this in advance. I will not let him hurt

ys want to hurt someone. We are not like t

re oppressed, so we need to be br

lade, do you st

? Do you still

elings for him. But deep inside, I know that I still hope that he has changed somehow, even though I have experienced pain in my heart

t are you plannin

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