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The Frenchman Chosen Bride

The Frenchman Chosen Bride


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 515    |    Released on: 13/01/2022

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himself that he hadn't come especially to seek her out. She seemed slightly hesitant, unsure. She wasn't the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, but she had a stunningly natural quality about

over years, she carefully projected that vulnerable fragility. God knew she managed to capture his attention in the street yesterday. Her huge, striking blue eyes had momentari

ose again... She was everything he remembered, and more. He recalled how she had trembled under his hands in the street y

ned in a while, if ever. Was she playing some kinda game? He wouldn't be surprised... He was constantly ama

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that tripled his fortune many times over, he assessed them in seconds, focusing on the man he guessed was her date. No competition. His heart rate speeded up pleasantly as he contemplated them from under hooded lids. He d


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