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He Still Loves Her

Chapter 7 I thought today is mine

Word Count: 1336    |    Released on: 09/01/2022

film. Usman emerged from their bedroom, dressed in a sky-blue kaftan with a matching cap, his presence accompanied by the pleasant fragrance o

a greeted him, her vo

morning?" He glanced at his watch, teasingly emphasizing the lateness of

htly for him to hear. Usman turned back, his hand brushing across his li

ice for you to stay at home. Isn't that what c

er I stay home or not is my choice. You don'

ted her, raising his palm to silence her. "Please, if you have nothing importan

tilting slightly as she licked her

ot before making his way to their bedroom. Stepping into the silent parlor, he no

sitting there, gazing at him with a warm smile, just as she always did whenever he returned late. Usman smiled back at her and walked over,

his hand gently. "Please, Usman, stop going to the bar," she pleaded softly, her w

ake up from his reverie. "Usman, please wake up. What are you thinking? Zainaba

find the same leftovers he had eaten the day before. Lett

his side of the bed. He stared at her for a cou

at is it?" she mum

om," Usman shouted, hi

ada got up and left the room

muttered to him

orld, and he had lost her. He knew deep down that Abu loved him wholeheartedly, caring for him as she c

, he headed to the bathroom

st, he cast occasional glances at his watch, a manifestation of his growing impatience. Sa'ada entered the elegant parlour, her presence unnotice

sidering the late hour of your return. I thought you had morning duties today," he in

"Why are you asking such a question? Where else would I be apart from work?" Her v

Look at the hour. I believed you had morning duties

nusually hectic at the hospital. Sister Maryam asked for my assistance, as h

nificance in your life, you simply forget to make a simple phone call, informing me of y

rom her seat. "Please, Usman, I'm tired," she

om, he emitted an exasperated sigh, taking a seat on the edg

l. Usman, who had been sitting on the bed, rose to his feet, his eyes narrowing

uestioned, his voice tinged with sk

ith you? Didn't you see me coming from the bathroom? I took a shower. Isn't that n

How can I believe it wasn't Janaba?" Usman's doubts persis

tand why you're acting this way. Do you doubt me? Do you think I'm cheat

t you. I cannot believe that you were at the hospital. You need to t

by seeing another man. Just because we engaged in premarital relations does not make me cheap. You can go to the hospita

he face. Tears welled up in her eyes as she held her stinging cheek. "Did yo

iving aimlessly, lost in a sea of tumultuous emotions. Eventually, he arrived in front of Zainab's house, his

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