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Chapter 2 2nd Chapter

Word Count: 1220    |    Released on: 08/01/2022

always had a charm in it and filled warmth in the hearts of many. He drove through and parked

r and hugged him."Welcome, my love." She smiled broadly, "I missed you." She said softly raising

from work. Does it mean I am on your mind mos

id genuinely as she gazed into his eyes and

fe, hmh, come here," he said charmingl

emembered that she had prepared his favourite dinner; Lim loved soy sauce with macaroni and cheese. "This will surely work. He won't resist the savoury taste." She thought with a hopeful smile as she leaned on his shoulder. I

n her composure, biting her thumb that he would re

Rose clasped at the shopping ba

e asked, bringing it close to her

o greet me or doesn't she know I am already home?" Curiosity registered on his face as he craned his neck facing the direction of the entrance, "Shalom! One girl! Dad is home." He said excitedly with a broad grin. Rose stared at him as she

generated a twinge of fear in his heart. "Where is she? I hope you are not hiding anything from me." He drew his eyes to his wife who seemed to be preoccupied with the sweet humming she had resorted to bolster her composure. "Is she taking a nap? no, this is impossibl

ith her usual pampering. "Come on, have a seat and relax first. I will remove your shoes." He obeyed but his heart was restless." My sweet husband must be tired after a l

rete might make matters worse? Perhaps she still believed that he

h did the least to please him who had a yearning for his only child. She got hold of the shoes and his tweed jacket and then

. It seemed the answer was lucid in his mind. Her heart pa

she halted and retreated slowly towards him, her eyes pleading for f

front of hi

cared to speak. Not once had she ever been at odds w

cuse. I don't have any either. I have messed up this time." She thought and waited fo

dear loving wife, won't

of me?" The tone of his voice changed. Rose stayed quiet as if her t

t his chauvinism was injured. He ballooned and hissed, gathering all his strength i

ed and turned to look at Shalom and was consumed by sha


g her mom sobbing on the chair broke into

e he got the audacity to lay a hand

n and then dropped. "It must be the small sips of gin I

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