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Chapter 3 She Knows My Feeling

Word Count: 1600    |    Released on: 08/01/2022




Becky.” Ella exclaimed, her expression basking in excitement as if that was the most


umped onto my bed, sighing loudly. “That's

dick to your class when you were

me cringe. That moment was probably the second

for reminding me of such an embarrassing moment of my life. “Becky won't tal

gorgeous guy and an awesome man. If you weren't my brother and I were in love with you, I would

easy to believe in them when the woman you loved detested

avoiding me like plague. I didn't know if she still needed time to noodle

bit into it, knowing well she wouldn't take it back. Ella would share anyt

tongue, and I moaned, winking

he whined, sulking with a mock angry e

ug smile. “This one looked more tasty.”

this idea was, I wasn't going to like it. “Why don't we go clubbing at the

that was exact

cause my situation with Becky had messed up my head so much that even concentrating at work ha

here the high wears off and all you

aved a warning finger in my face.

be changed, so I knew I would have no luck if I argued with her, es


e watching your own funeral.” Ella grimaced, sliding into the sto

and crazy. But what got me frowning was a guy trying to get all touchy-feely with my

n my protectiv

hould tell those guys when they're doing something you are not li

, waving her hands dismissively. “It

u've applied to get touchy-feel

n't tell me you only came here to drink beer? C

ght here.” I declined,

Gulping down her shot of vodka, she slid from h

hen he looked after her like he wanted to

failing hard. I wondered if she missed me like I did her. Ob

hadn't seen before. “Bro, this is Lexi. She's

er voice smooth but loud over the bla

r. The little cunning girl. She'd ventured into the fray of writhing bodi

eturned, trying to mim

sed, sitting on the stool beside mine

rman to get me another bottle of be

alking in school about having a brother who's ev

was news to me. I made a mental

e before she chose to ignore my question

She was a stunning woman with a marshmallow skin colour and black hair, adorned in a tank top th

made her gray eyes shimmer like jewels. I knew she probably wouldn't say it but she'

being when he placed them on the counter. I held Lexi's hand and w

ot the chance to practice my dance skills, but I mana

while of dancing, teaching each other the moves the other didn't know, and laughing he

the parts that weren't too personal to discuss with someone you've just met. I don't remember exactly

n eyes, and create lasting impressions on their sisters.” Lexi answered,

unflinchingly and smiled. “Well I like women with piercing blu

She observed correctly, reclining a little on the edge o

as attracted to her candor. Frankness was something I'd lacked in my relationship with

stir my libido. Standing up from my stool, I placed both hands on either s

ore closer to mine. “Then how much will you m

words?” I asked her and with th

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