The Mighty Antimagic Spell
his week. You'd say I'm a social worker for family conflicts. And this weather ..."
without saying anything. When he took the oath to protect anyone in need, he didn't set the condition to be
ation, but he decided not to do it? Any situation, even trivial at first, could eventually degenerate rema
hat, these two - he pointed to the two officers – can't find their way when the sky is clear, map in their
hts moved lips surrounded by beard and moustache, in the rhy
support their families, always find money to buy liquor that takes their mi
ly raised his narrow shoulders, as he did almost every time they we
m nature, never discouraged, r
crossroads. We're close. M
the two spouses argued, it was necessary to take a turning to the right in Sun Street, at the junction of Sun Street and Constellation Str
e," said Mrs. Stone. And s
rs like talkative Mrs. Stone's encouraged Mr. Gangsley T
s managed to show the two disoriented guys the way.
me qualities of a feline, he gigg
angsley's persona. They didn't help him too much, because he didn't notice that curious a
came now unobserved behind them, taking advanta
e was a presence behind them, he quickly came to his senses and continued his journey without doing t
because it couldn't be something else. Withal, as he couldn't see
human has the courage to venture outside in this weather and try to mess with some law enforcement officers from Scotl
gingerly not to be seen behind them, perhaps he'd change the opinion deepl
mind and in others', taking into account the e
as finally interrup
enomenon, Gangsley", he squeezed out a smil
over miraculously, his peculiar ability, to lead them to
number 3. The
ht next to him, barely clinging to a screw, about to
" the sneaky
racefully arranged. Even number 3 that was now in a reversed position, who knows why, forming the letter m, looked in good shape, as if someone r
stered so badly that even the bricks could be seen. If by chance you had a look at some of them, you'd won
. I don't think I can see well. First that apparition ... and now. It can't be possible ... it's a huge dog for sure, so old that he can't move anymore. That's why he seems to be seated, looking at the lig
nap back. And that something was the image probably
ll, at less than three steps away from him. The cat looked at him with fear as if she t
to warm up his body running after that cat or at least bark and howl at her to keep alive the never ending game between dogs and