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Depressed ( love yourself )

Depressed ( love yourself )


Chapter 1  Introduction

Word Count: 1037    |    Released on: 03/01/2022




writing a boo

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due to severe depression but she was sa

she learn to

fight the battles ah

ng similar to names of people, places,

we go int

s Depr

disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physica

ffer from Depression. While some get t

t easy as you have to deal with mood swings, low ener

y aren't enough, they feel like they aren't neede

so sad,

ression, you begin to feel tha

enthusiasm, getting out

el alone even w

e around them. They begin to feel insecure especially when they are in a relationship

especially when they have be

t's the feeling of being Numb. It's a state of being neither h

t even be laughing and smiling with others but that's all a faca

as Depression may se

People with Depression often lack self-love and some hate

m too dumb ' . ' Nobody loves me. ' . ' I am a failure ' .

elf will go a long way in

am enough! I am loved! I am intelligent! I am beautiful both inside out! I am not perfect but I am working on myself, working to be a better me, not the me that the world wants but me I sh

gin to gain confidence in yourself and in

o you know people who truly care about you? There are lots of people in this world who pret

at he's the one who loves you the most, you can speak to him about anything,

n me for my yoke is eas

ual leader, a minister, or so

to various reasons, for some, it's due to laziness due to tiredness while for some it's

get yourself out of bed in t

understand, you can try getting help by getting a mentor or a

tory whether big or small! , Don't let outsiders

Depression can get

here and I kno

uld never b

on to a temporary probl

long as there's lif

till breathing, there

r life before


mendations for

line by Za

g I wanted by

ay by Lau

ou by Tati

nough by Lo

ong recommendatio

bring hope to people who

y re

( love y

on sel



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