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The Better Place

The Better Place


Chapter 1  Proposal

Word Count: 759    |    Released on: 03/01/2022

my proposal,” Adam p

enotypes are the same, AS, and we can’t get married.” She cupped Adam’s beauteous face in her han

a be with you always,” Adam cooed. “I lo

very voice, meeting Adam’s eyes. She managed to blink away her t

heartbreak, unable to bodily stop Lucy who spun o

to trickle down. It seemed the rockfall of a love

love?” Adam soliloquized in a low voice. “Still I’m wi

sank onto her bed, she broke down in tears. Not only Adam was heavy with bitterness. L

ess, she wept and wept, and then it seemed as tho

air. Why me, Lord? What am I going to do now? I can’t send Adam out of my life. I can’t p

of day when she woke up the next day. She could feel the new situation

irror lazily, but when she saw her reflection in the mirror, t

m the land of the dead. Her facial make-up was smeared. Her eyes were swo

somewhat woefully, “I don

hen to prepare breakfast. While eatin

hen she opened the door, she beheld her best friend, Rose.

g, Rose,” Lu

ucy,” Rose

here at this hou

not?” Rose asked unsmiling

d, moving aside so that Rose co

ed themselve in the armchairs. Rose had motives f

happened between you

aid Lucy sadly. “I love Adam. On the other hand

ven, was a reminder that made Lucy’s unhappine

consoled her. “Don’t you worry,

” Lucy whimpered. “I

ir, cheek by jowl with her friend. “Alright, calm down,” she bre

eard about the situation, she had disagreed to believe at first. As she ha

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