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Cold attraction

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 558    |    Released on: 01/01/2022

nd a woman rode in, she turns immediately w

e away and v

Jane, what d

rents, I understood other words but what I couldn't

Jax! S

eave, he returns to me and mot

t step and he r

tairs and magically th

there bow

they did and somethin

dress, His eye color change and his wel

wever, I missed my step and ha

a are y


uldn't help to wonder what I

changed from blue to red, and let's not forget his f

e party and everyone


on, why are

can accept the fact my mind ha

e going m

imbed the stairs and spok

ifted hoping to see Jax's mom but no one stepped out rather

smooched the frame

ax's mom, however wher

g his anniversary with the photo fr

an tell me the truth, what is


ed to be on his dad's side and pleaded w

th everyone's attention elsewhere, I

ough, there was no light and so pulled o

and I went further seeing a h


d the minute I tried to clean off the du

't be,

de the mirror, I returned hoping t

nd seeing a lady crying at


it isn

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