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Wolf or Love

Chapter 5 THE ESCAPE (I)

Word Count: 2089    |    Released on: 29/12/2021

onstriction around her chest that

good kid,”


you know. He wouldn't want you living you

re likely to watch her more closely, she con

rtant people to her, Danica would have spent the next few hours in a g

isit. That put her thoughts back in order like not

the guilt aside – guilt which had been heightened

ever been this intense before. If Danica had met him under different ci

ound herself involuntarily holding back. Although she craved safety, protection, and the type of connection that only ma

e ever particularly liked a guy, her ins

im. Not only because they needed to spend time together to pull off the

desire to be mated, the second he marked her an

it damn difficult for them

l gulf between them, because neither she nor Gio wanted to imprint on

her wolf had such a big thing for him.Figuring it was important that Gio knew, she sent

were aware that they might have to either

little group and it had hit every one of them hard when he died. These two people had seen how badly Danica had dealt with Zan’s death. They would remember how Zan was

lty lying to them like that

well or ma

Rick as he fiddled with

she r

usual giddy voice as shep took in Danica’s

ill like that you're going out looking like tha

e added, “I still can’t believe you put

nd of liked it. It’s only what he shoul

y not want him,or is this some big thing that dominant

y of testing if the male’s a worthy mate.” That wasn’t a lie. Alpha females didn't submit without the male proving their dominance. It was just that, in

miling. “There aren’t man

ove them to the shifter club in her Lamborghini. Rick then criticised each one of her choices purely to annoy her. Danica laughed when she was supposed

own car two spaces behind. She prayed – literally – that they would fo

e outside watching over it.Relief swept over her

ubs allowed both humans and shifters to enter, this club was open onl

thin her, clawing at her. In addition to that, as a creature with the most

nts. Yeah, her wolf could be a righ

halted behind her. Great, h

t to get out. Sometimes I think my being latent is harder for her than it is for me.”

so Gio could easily find her. She sidled through the incredibly tight crowd o

d up as they reached the bar. In greeting he nodd

m.” Being constantly on call, she mostly stu

drunken healer w

’s men, Matt and Ben. They stood at the other end of the bar, chatting while still alert. At least

the forefront of her mind that her life was about to change. She was about to enter a temporary mating with the wolf shifter equivalent of a wild wild lion and had a worry

e here! I need y

n over everything in her head before coming,but she hadn’t once accounted for someone needing her f

la,” explained Ariel as she took Danica's hand, pulled her from th

combination of the brushing of bodies against he

ed Danica's wolf while si

g with her?”

must have taken something, but Dani

crowd of shifters huddled together that it was like coming up against a wall. Clearly there was

pled down her spine as she thought of wha

hey stopped before a chair where Ariel's boyfriend, Marcus,stood as though on guard. H

e her and rubbed her

lower lip, rose and turned to Danica. “Can you help?” She knew that Danica didn’t have to help anyone who had been dumb enough to dru

t us use his office? I

re she could say a word, his tall

eone spiked her d

fing around her,” said Ariel in a panicky voi

looked like a bad bunch

ot only is someone using drugs in his establishmen

with Cody

e mating ceremony,” said Ariel

chair,” said Marcus with a grin. Clearly Ariel had bee

had he

it is with alpha females and making sure their mates are worthy.” Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Danica swerv


eople, let’s ge

dulla’s arms over their shoulders and lifted her from the chair. She di

e, making room through the crowds for the guys to c

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1 Chapter 1 The Kidnap2 Chapter 2 Two Alphas!3 Chapter 3 Gio Wright or Cody Coleman4 Chapter 4 My daughter or The alliance5 Chapter 5 THE ESCAPE (I)6 Chapter 6 Leaving my pack!7 Chapter 7 The Escape (II)8 Chapter 8 A new home9 Chapter 9 Let's mate10 Chapter 10 Meeting the new home members11 Chapter 11 Danica or The Whore12 Chapter 12 An old family member visits!13 Chapter 13 Uncle reunites!14 Chapter 14 The Old Woman15 Chapter 15 I want what is mine!16 Chapter 16 I want what is mine (II)17 Chapter 17 The Alpha Battle! 18 Chapter 18 She must stay!19 Chapter 19 Our Alpha Female.20 Chapter 20 A bodygaurd!21 Chapter 21 Best Friends !22 Chapter 22 He is MINE!23 Chapter 23 Nice Pack Nice People!24 Chapter 24 Back Home.25 Chapter 25 Jealous !26 Chapter 26 You don't need her!27 Chapter 27 I miss you Mom!28 Chapter 28 The Dead still lives in the heart29 Chapter 29 Is he back to me 30 Chapter 30 DAMN! Feels good.31 Chapter 31 The Past.32 Chapter 32 You ChangeD!33 Chapter 33 Chris or Danica34 Chapter 34 I want you Danica!35 Chapter 35 Yes! Gio!!36 Chapter 36 The Alliance37 Chapter 37 Some good NEWS!38 Chapter 38 The NEWS39 Chapter 39 Uncle James 40 Chapter 40 Nice Place!41 Chapter 41 The Mating Ceremony.42 Chapter 42 Let them be.43 Chapter 43 I can do without him!!!!44 Chapter 44 Gio and Danica45 Chapter 45 Do it GIRL!!46 Chapter 46 Alpha Female.47 Chapter 47 Guilt 48 Chapter 48 The Letter.49 Chapter 49 Safe !50 Chapter 50 The Mall War51 Chapter 51 Shopping Spree!52 Chapter 52 The Threat!53 Chapter 53 I seek Revenge!54 Chapter 54 I seek Revenge (II)55 Chapter 55 The Submissive Alpha.56 Chapter 56 The Betrayal!57 Chapter 57 We are sorry!58 Chapter 58 What's going on !59 Chapter 59 What's going on ! (II)60 Chapter 60 The Alpha's Birthday.61 Chapter 61 Let's have FUN!62 Chapter 62 I am not SCARED!63 Chapter 63 The Alpha's Toy64 Chapter 64 She tastes good!65 Chapter 65 Hussy!66 Chapter 66 A Pup is coming!67 Chapter 67 Congratulations!68 Chapter 68 The War is Near!69 Chapter 69 Getting the alliances ready.70 Chapter 70 I'll be waiting!71 Chapter 71 The Battle72 Chapter 72 It was YOU!73 Chapter 73 Release Her!74 Chapter 74 Fur - to - Fur75 Chapter 75 Dream Come Real76 Chapter 76 A new beginning soon.77 Chapter 77 I LOVE YOU BABY!