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Chapter 3 Werewolves

Word Count: 3138    |    Released on: 29/12/2021








rd popping up from all over the city, The witches could be seen flying in the sky on their brooms, while the vampires pop out into the

ong, this stranger goes through the subway that leads to the train station and increases his pace, as soon as he gets to the train station,

and a portal opens within the wall, the stranger soon ente

ube filled with greenish bubbling water and inside the tube, is an old Goblin. As soon as the str

yourself, Jonah ... WHE

ord.. I've been q

ompetence FOOL!!! Have you

formation portion you asked for... This

My assistant will

ant!? I never knew

t, a big hawk flies over his face startling him,

ich is placed at the far end of the room and dr

There's yo

d picks up the bag pouring the gold

olden stone

YOU GREEDY OAF! Do you know ho

hat I was hoping to get a l

me, you wouldn't have anything... You'll get y

lord.. I won't

Good... N

k.. What's that greenish water

ter.. This water you see is fetc

n of youth!? It

ust leave.. I'll call

.. See you n

the secret lair... As soon as he's gone.. Omhigan

have passed by, this species are still backwards as they were. If only ther

s assistant the hawk speaks o

o waste your breath... Once your plan is finish

you're the only one I can trust. I just hope this Tran

t their worst nightmare is alive and is walking amongst them in a new face in which they look u

of junkies that care about money 💰. But it doesn't matter.. What

o use the BURNING STAR???

ntact but it's power is weak... I need t

ng to the son

, everything is now possible these days.. Since I can't use magic, I'll just have to improvise with

ild a solar generator!? We don't

hing is within my reach.. I know how to make one.. I ju

.. Once you've charged up the BURNING S

nd with the Curse I've put on all these four nations, They'll never know what's going o


ngs haven't changed one bit, it's still the same old regular school activity

tfits, after a gruelling cheer leading practice. While the other girls were busy gossiping about the hot guys in t

inking about him, she soon found herself daydreaming ab

silk smooth slender body especially her bre-sts and her lower region, Immediately her finger


was soon caught up and lost in what she was doing that she

to enjoy what she was seeing, she bit her lower lip seductively and went behi

d only to see Emma winking at her. Gwen

c b-tch.. You n

.. I see you're enjoying you

nks to you! I'v

Who's the guy you'r

idea what you'r

re thinking about a guy. So who is it this

s one is different.. Emma

countless times for last 50 years and they've nev

e is different.. It's like

the best you can say? You've r

o days since I first met this guy and

first. So tell me alre

not just a dude. He

just tell me already.

. My new prey is t

dian.!? WHA

irection, Gwen soon get out of the shower and pulls her away from the place as th

serious? That's the new cle

I kn

er brother... From his appearance, he must b

rs anymore.. We're mature ladies too. Lo

e's a cleaner and

look so handsome. And I don't care if he's a cleaner. Emm

right.. Cause you're not the Emma I

's not enchantment

ring? Look, You ha

t my boyfriend.. I

ly and yours know each other and y


er my dea

already dead. You'r

terested in this guy and

to put this guy's life in danger.. You

leave this locker room..

cker room heading to their next class, on their way the

If it isn't the Red hair

e Gwen who's lively and stubborn, Leona is a spoiled, arrogant and a heartless being who cares only about herself, She despise

ust jealous that you don't have a Crimson red hair like mine. I

s sheep's vo

al huh?... You're nothing but a disgrace to our cl

nting free will and to be the person I want to be.. As for Adria

act the male students standing around the place making them to whistle and cheer at h

or shame!? You're a disgrace. You don't deserve

.. You're just skinny and full of bones..

!!! You'll pay fo

ere about to fight, Before that happens; The hall monitor

minds?? We're seniors not freshmen st

f trash?? You should go dig in the

th, You vampire Sl-t.. Else I


he outburst were shocked to see the s

hat's going


ou.. It seems like you all

wen star

irls " It'

utright LIE!!! T

r.. This sleazy b-tch

Did I just hea

h Gwen..

ir... It just

.. You know the rules about this kind of issue..

u all over again..

p Leona... Get t


ave the hall and head to their lectures as well, as soon as they were out of ea

🦇 G

y third day after school in Detentio

ent with the highest record of detention in the history of this school a

ned those who called me that name swearin

asket ball court steadily without a worry in the world. While the other were busy putting on their g

epped on the wet floor, I slipped and almost fell on the cold wet floor but in t

se that our noses were rubbing on one another, Arthur stared into my eyes without

es.. It's like staring at that

hank you 😊, You s

uld be more careful, I mi

nce again. So

tting used to this new life style

l get used to it.. Uhm..

ay.. I'm a

ly? You're


ur "

not too busy.. Why d


n't know wha

" Aye .

on hardly tell the truth or deny not knowing about a particular thing, Another strange thing about Arthur is his

aying was.. I would like

Like a c


. I will go

d.. Where

know this city very m

hen.. Give me yo

ne number?

ts used for calling.. D

't even know

is guy for real? Just who the hell is he anyway?

e are you f

d found myself in strange place.. So I came ove

Okay Then, let

o gather around, I soon left Arthur and went to wear my gym clothes. As soon as I

you approached that g

nbelievable. Let's just wait after

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