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Angel's Wings- Book One: Lost Angel

Angel's Wings- Book One: Lost Angel

Author: Jade Wolfe

Chapter 1 Angel Snow

Word Count: 3074    |    Released on: 25/12/2021

the throne room as he entered there was his mother sitting in her throne chair. Off to the side of the throne chairs stood his stepbrother then his

on greeted as he

chance at redemption," A

is your request of

ack down a lost angel. Once you

h hooded lashes, "Of course just

was who answered, "He

on, "You need to keep

sure whether it was anger or em

his attention back to Kenyon,

ember fath

You'll know her when you see her becau

his room, "Yes Lord Alden, I'll fin

, if you complete this ta

ord," he said then q

uickly leave, glaring at her husband's bac

ning blue eyes. She was more beautiful than his first wife, Brody's mother, "You know why and

spoke, "Father, how cou

much like his mother except the hair, "

y, "It's fine Brody just go t

ike her son Kenyon she wore a black dress in a medieval fashion. A wide belt of white wrapped around her slim waist which pushed her breasts up. A great deal of cleavage showed along with a tattoo which went under he

y I let you talk me into marrying you," wit

couple of days for now she'd put makeup on to hide them. Removing her clothes, she stepped into the shower letting the hot water wash away the remaining feelings of the dream. Angel stepped out dried herself off then dressed in a camisole top black and white with a flower pattern. A sash wrapped around it just under her breastbone then t

re you tw

ir mom's voice Angel spoke first, "I'

of something, "I'm meetin

d, "Be home in t

they said.

Zane about where they're going for goodness's sake, they were both in college. I guess if she's paying for it then she could treat them like they were still in high school. The weather remained h

le with her was Dillon who had his leg flung over the back of another chair while he lounged back. He was talking to Lara who sat on the edge of th

were worried you

n't I," An

your mom," L

ding, "She questioned me, but let

, "Are we still

illon," La

cing marred her face just above the left side of her upper lip a single stud. Next was Lara she had flawless coffee brown skin with a tattoo of a cherry blossom tree which went up the back of her body it continued over her shoulders down the top part of her chest. One limb went down part of her arm it was done in black and pink also a hoop nose ring w

er shoulder. On her back she had what appeared to be a tattoo of angel wings which she had never

d we could play at her pa

friend and it's not a part

n not your frien

sisters' friend and

re the hell is Beck anyway," D

air then rested her chin in her hand, "Yo

ages to screw up a show

spotted them hurrying toward the group stopping in front of them. They

"Dude what the fuck h

My sister is going to school to be

s a dark blue with light blue highlights. La

ake a stool next to

ish green that didn't seem like a real color. He also had tattoo's down both arms on his neck along w

"Well we have a gig and Be

he group

l another group came in. At the front of it was a beautiful leggy blond-haired perso

instantly falling on Britta, "Trist

ply, "Maxim why the hell

d as she spoke, "Fel

sta I'm sorry,"

the group asked, "

f you want to be part of this

cause Trista says so

back and forth. She looked over at him and he waved T

feet looking down

red at him

seven in height without heels. Her hair was an interesting red and had curves in all

Sikes, she's new in town. She's in

Lara said, "To bad she's ha

ay her away fro

been trying to get Tyree awa

hey went upstairs to the balcony area. From there you could look out at the bottom of the café. There was a

they always stayed there. They lived their life just like the people on earth also mingling with them just like normal people. Finally, ready to go he left his room heading for the launch room. This was the opening which allowed them to leave Heaven to fly d

at were the guardian angels, angels of death, angels of love, angels of emoti

omething he was reading, "

ading down," Jo

a mission for

e Kenyon entered his name, day, and time he departed. Nex

on," he opened

le the tips were white. All angels of darkness had black tops then depending on your parent's colors this decided what color the feathers were. His father's wings were a dark purple also while his moms were a peach color. Kenyon entered earth and came to a landing spot a

ed into town toward the house he owned with his mother. It had belonged

Jacklyn standing on the raised floor where the throne chairs sat. Behind her stood Lady Christen, Lady

y," Jacklyn looked

er, "I'm at your

ve a task for you," J

mile it seemed maliciou

arth to locate and br

thing terrible, so they're stripped of their wings and memories. They weren't completely on their ow

e," Alijah didn't ask th

was a scar that started on his right cheek went down across his lips to end on the chin. Despite what he and h

nt to send Alijah, M

ldn't concern yours

klyn's tone, "Lady Christe

cceed in this task, you will be re

se if he could get a second set of wings, he c

lyn turned leavin

h and he embraced her to him,

ll be fine I have to get my sec

old me she's foun

ace. Her hair was shoulder length and the color of wheat while her

st she could feel the beat of his heart, "I lov

n to gently capture her

wanted to cry because he wouldn't be around. What kind

ouse where Angel Snow lived it wasn't hard to find. However, he hadn't seen a young woman in or near the house, but then a sudden reaction kicked in his chest. The kind he always got when another angel was around looking over, he spotted her. All the air rushed out of his lungs Angel Snow was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Her ha

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