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The Hidden Children


Word Count: 6092    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

nket, saw the white cannon-smoke floating above

tly combination of black and white, the startling parti-coloured decorations splitting his visage into two equal sections, so tha

with a confidence forever new; every night the army snores in peace. Yet, at dawn, when you have

warded," remarked the I

nner?" I as

iors desire to be rewarded,"

he reward all warriors desir

ance at me and w

it possible that you have been ou

ook at me, full o

ree Erie scalps hang stretched, hooped, and curing in the morning su

ing fish on a willow wand three scalps hung in the sunshine, the soft July breeze s

em, then returned to the hut, where the Siwanois, grave as a catamount

've crept beyond our outer pickets, risking your life, imperilling the succ

What warrior of the Cat-People nee

hem warriors th

claws. Look upon thei

subdue my

Oneidas, who do not know the way even to Wyalusing as well as you do. Is this just to the army? Is it just to me, O Sagamore? My formal orders are that you shall

t me with eyes utterl

isoner, then?"

picion of any personal restraint or of any military pressure brought to bear

at liberty to come and go as the eight winds rise and wane-to sleep when they choose, to wake when it pleas

d Clan, is given the greatest mission ever offered to any Delaware since Tamenund put on his sno

de them so that the Iroquois Confederacy shall be pierced fr

oming march-deeds worthy of a war-chief of the Lenni-Lenap

deeds and not risk a chance bullet in ambush for the sake of an Erie scalp or two

roceeded, he became gravely attentive; then, as I end

e. A child's skill only is needed to take their half-shed fur a

ting with a shrug o

ng the dead and bloody forest leaves. The Siwanois laugh at them. Let the red sorcerer of the Senecas make str

calp. Each morning you paint.

said proudly. "Cats we

I now comprehended this, as I stood lacing my rifle-

ach day has seemed to me somew

up at me, scowled

eemed to bristle on his shaven head, "when a Lenape Sachem of the Enchanted Clan paints for war with Seneca sorcerers, he wears also the clean symbols of

traint. I knew it was useless to urge on him the desirability of inaction until the army moved. He might perhaps have understood me and listen

the dreadful and abhorred priesthood of the Senecas-the hatred and infuriated contempt of a noble and ordained priest for the black-magic o

w that nothing I could say would now keep this Siwanois at my side at night. Yet, he had been given me to guard. What should I do? Major Parr might not underst

ust rest on me; and I must use my ju

rained the Indian. But the combination of Seneca, Erie, and Amochol prowling around our picket-lin

sing toward Otsego Lake, piled high with stores, and I saw Schott's riflemen filin

regiment was damming the waters so that when our boats were ready the dam might be broken and the high wate

sun, moodily stripping a daisy of its petals, I thought of Lois, tro

s marched to the lake. What would she do? What would b

iers' wives were to be permitted to go as far as Wyalusing or Wyoming. Even here, at this encampment, the officers' ladies had left, although perhaps many of them might

still out on scout with Major Parr; and when they returned I made no doubt that

hile on the river-bank to watch the batteaux and the Oneida canoes; then, ever restless with my deepening solicitude for Loi

up and dressed in his best, spick and span and gay, fairly shining in the sunlight as he stood leaning against a

andsome wife of Captain Bleecker, of the 3rd New York, and another proved

Lana-the confidante of Clarissa Putnam-a bright-eyed, laughing beauty from Tribes Hill, whom I had known v

spoke to the ladies; all lifted their heads and looked in my direction; and Lan

each in turn, replaced my cap, and saluted Lieutenant Boyd, who return

n these dreary barracks, Loskiel. There seems to be s

?" I asked of

s we understood that they had not been ordered into the Indian country we packed our boxes

eneral Sullivan, but is to be held to guard the

eant to play coquette with such a man as Boyd; and I remembered her high spirits and bright daring at the somewhat loose gatherings at

licensed what had utterly damned another. Nor did her devotion and close companionship with Clarissa ever seem to raise a question as to her own personal behaviour. And well I remember a gay company being at card

sing by storm; and the first deadly grace he pictured for her was his macaroni manner of taking snuff-with whic

ded. Alone and singly either of these people stood in no danger from the outer world. Pitted against each other, what their recklessness might lead to I did not know. For since Boyd's attempted gallantries toward Lois-he believing her to be as youthful and depraved as s

d to suit all; and in the confusion of chatter and laughter and the tying of a sun-mask by Mrs. Bleecker, aided by Boyd and by the exquisite courti

e fell a few paces behind, she looked up at me

rival, I am resigned to be courted.... Heaven kn


chet, and knife at my Mohawk girdle; you in chip hat and ribbons and dainty gown, lifting

three years ago?" she said,

r people were

, Euan; C

t child?" I a

r lamb-she's i

was as though she divi

hat could be after he married Polly Watts. But she has not change

hnson's Greens, Butler's Rangers, McDonald's painted Tories, Brant's Mohawks-and the Senecas with their war-chiefs and their sorcerer, Amo

.. And young Walter Butler, too! I saw his mother and his sister in Albany a week ago-two sad and pitiable women, Euan, for e

sic, can be this same Walter Butler whose name is cursed wherever righteousness and honour exist in human breasts. Why, even Joseph Brant has spurned him, they say, since Cherry Valley! Even his own father stood aghast before such infamy.

k her pre

laguing him on the stone doorstep at Guy Park-calling him Walter Ninny and Walter Noodle to vex him. You remember, Euan, that his full name is Walter N. Butler, and that he

d long ago, Lana. The youn

-you enter the lists. Do you then enter?" I reddened and laughed, and she, always enchanted to plague and provoke me, began her art forthwith, first innocently slipping

ious coquetry, ever on the watch to observe my features redden. I remember she sometimes offered to excha

hing now, and when I caught her eye the

our saucy way with me. You know that the military are not to

ou always did conduct like

kiss you now,"

have me in the rear of the

ss you'd

ess I w

nlit evening when


and so did

ty Lieutenant Boyd had never

your own careless, reckless kind, Lanette.

s, friend B

ld to set t

er? You should

h, when it meets its fellow in another, unites with it,

alchemy and metaphysics!" she

in anything, and

ruly wisdom. Come, Euan, what do you think? Do you and I contain these fell

ow me b

of many colours! If you flout me once too often I may go after you, as

he impudent little beauty laughed and clung to my arm in

grey and Quaker years when I made eyes at you from the age

x arriving, loaded with valley sheep, we officers pointing out to them the canoes of our corps of Oneida guides, and

st Stockbridge Indians know no more of Cathari

one and all within an arrow-flight o

de has worn like fetters to their very bones. Redcoats they can face, and have done so galla

nsing on his arm. As for me, I was contented to see them go-had been only waiting for it. And what I had thought I might venture to say to Lana Helmer by warrant of old acquaintance, I was now glad that I had not said at all-the years having

debating within my mind how this proud and handsome, newly-married girl might receive my halting story. For it would not do to conceal anything vital to the case. Her clear, wise eyes would see instantly through any evasion, not to say deception-even a harmless de

; and after the first word or two Mrs. Bleecker put off

reatures require a name! But this I did not say to her, nor thought it necessary to mention any doubt as to t

ead and that the child had conceived the senseless project of penetrating to Ca

me; and when I had done, and the last word in my brief for Lois had been uttered, she b

w, for she smiled and held out her hand to me with so pretty a confidence that my lips trembled as I pressed them to her

unhappy child! And what a little fool! The Lord looks after his lambs, surely, surely-drat the little hussy! It mads me to even think of her danger. Did a body ever hear the like of it! A-gypsying all alone-loitering aroun

o keen and penetrating that I felt my ears go red. Which sudden d

he said. "I think so still.... As for your fai

ess until the boxes, which I had commanded, might arrive from Albany. I had to tell her t

n the wretched hut which shelters her-the taint of charity would poison everything. For she is like you, Mrs. Bleecker, lacking only what does not make, but merely and prettily confirms your quality and breedin

pretty features; and not all seemed agreeable. Then suddenly her eyes reflecte

at your music pleases everyone who hears it.... I pray you let me judge whether the errant lady be what a poet's soul would have her.... I am not speaking with any

o more," said I,

surmises. And if she were the queen of Sheba in disguise, or if she were a titled Saint James drab, no honest woman but who

Is that the way y

w you say the truth-and know it, raging even while her smile remains unaltered. For it is true, Euan; true concerning you men, also. Not one among you all has ever really read us right. The differenc

a moment she put on her

ng lodge until your husband'

we had a dish of tea to brew for you gentlemen we would do it; but Indian willow makes a vile and bitter tea,

er, shook out her dainty skirts, put up her

w I already believe that she may be something of what

a miracle," I

. Leave them to me. For if this romantic damsel be truly what you picture her, I'll have to tell a pretty fib or two concerning her and you, I warrant you. Leave th

Lana long ago," said I,

seemed to me to be now about them both a careless indifference, almost studied, and in

ed such assurance. What he must be in queue and powder, silk and small-sword, I dare not surmise. A pitying heaven

too low and ov

hed as you, fair lady, have saluted me-imputing to my insignific

u overt

elle! Draw Mr. Loskiel's kni

who passed us but a moment since, and who looked


somehow it was a sort of mask for some subtler defiance. I reflected uneasily that no real understanding could be possible between these

hed and smiling, and at gay swords' points already with him, while he whisked his n

vant to serve them. And the odd bits of furniture that had been used at our General's headquarters had been taken t

n's house she continued close to me, seeming to purposely avoid Boyd. And he the same,

me or at any of her teasing tricks, but conversing reasonably and prettily, and wit

future. And it was "Do you recall this?" and "Do you remember that?" and "Do you mind the day" when this and that occurred? Incidents we both

but in neither instance did Lana appear to notice what I had said, continuing silent until I, too

nt mincing our Ensign about his precious business; and then Boyd took himsel

eecker, with a very friendly smile. "And let the othe

he intellect of a very young man deeply in love-a man who knows he is in love, and yet

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