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Chapter 1 GRIEF

Word Count: 1286    |    Released on: 20/12/2021


ia stood by the doorway and assessed the situ

uldn't breastfeed her newborn baby, now in Amelia's arms happily drinking from his bottle, oblivious of what had just happened. Before she slept the previous night she had a very high fever, so high that

of very few words. His love for their mother was immense to the extent that he stopped going to work when she was pregnant

d to her mother, so jealously that he didn't want anyone else near her. She had another brothe

r. He lay next to their mother, his eyes closed, very peaceful in his death. In a note on the bedsi

ffered watching her getting weaker every passing day. He blamed himself for her death, writing t

e couldn't live without her. Therefore he had taken some po

baby Thomas. He had instructed her to inform her grandma about his and her mother's de

r that she was needed urgently. She would have sent Willis but true to his nature

sobs and cried. Thomas, still in her hands, continued drinking his milk, taking a break once in a while

, when she was a child and her mother was in good health. She loved her very much and one particular incident stood out when her par

o selfish? You only cared about yourself, your feel

with her head full of gray hair. For how long she had been standing behind her Amelia did not know. Her words came as a surprise and Amelia turned

suppress her tears, to look strong, but the tears still came. She produced a white handkerchief and wiped them away and just then she

ng. What do you have?" S

until recently when he would take a little every evening. The unm

sked, removing her moist eyes from

melia answered. She had placed Thomas on the co

it was brandy to the uninterested Amelia, then drank straight from the bottle. S

's phone and call the police. I'll be with you through this.

lia said as she went back to the bedroom. She had lied unknowingly, be

er mother didn't have one. She dialed the police hotline

ng in thirty min

d to talk." Her grandma said as sh

f, without a worry in her mind. She had felt so secure herself until this mo

thers. She had happily taken care of Thomas with the hope that her mother would recover and take

on, still holding the baby. She walked to the bedroom they shared with Willis a

hing. You and I need to be strong than ever because things will

lly gave up, and with her head between

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