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Chapter 2 All just met her

Word Count: 767    |    Released on: 19/12/2021

n't you oppo

hing Sefani Cherry, bringi

nly weakly turns away, don't dar

o do that, ple

ilted his head,

oli to lose inspiration, hinging up t

Wait for her to finish the college I

g, lying on a shrimp. Wait when the son above was no longer cave, Sefani Cherry crept himself up, walki

ely changed again. Sefani Cherry sighed, wanting to stand up but was pulled back and pulled it back and pulled it back, but

ng her head in her neck to sleep well. His hot breaths fell into t

ight passe

paintings and hugging each

rly. He finished breakfast, university uniforms

i Cherry and he always accompanied the car. Alex Ferroli is considered an ideal son, integrity

s not allowed to reveal half of the words. Often, when they close to s

seat, the uniform skirt with a high

ainst the other hand, the deep eyes suddenly

ou dress l

rprising him, looking at him again

rls in the schoo

li just frowned, reaching his j

! Go to

rts, the hair flinks with a little mess, but sti

rcedes Benz rushed on the road, overcasting the remaining vehicles. Arriving at the old location, Alex Ferroli stopped the car, with

nged car. The person who came is Custian, mal

sidered Alex Ferroli's formidabl

r! I take you

o the Sefani Cherry and put his hand lightly on her forehead. In t

hook his head,

to sitting a

to the car sat. Because the car cushion sloping forward, the body Sefani Ch

t stiff, Custian had a ha

m tightly t

s wrapped in Custian. Right at the moment she gave

always intentionally took back

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