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Chapter 6 CAREER DAY

Word Count: 514    |    Released on: 15/12/2021

who is going to notice one singl

t our normal activities and eventually which I doubt will happen; If they authorities fi

do Sharon immediately shouted n


Day In

eeted them that afternoon a

all rep

you h

? they all

is actually Sharon that's her position. More like her birth

r day is next week so we are asked to dress up lik

they al

one of our patrons. He is visiting us that day and gues

th his son . What's the point of coming with

ess wise or personal reasons . Anyone i just like the fact that we are going to

of listening to them. Is as if they come and

going to be having a p

e an all week packed

can't wait s

he rest


hat the day is going to go as planned. Is as if the sun, w


nd how effective we can be in the society so they say. In Sharon’s language caree

of various students and their teac

rious speakers were all introduced as we all rushed to get

's all I told myself. Do fairytale

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