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The Mates of Monsters

The Mates of Monsters


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1927    |    Released on: 23/11/2021


ntain town, nestled in the forest and kept from the world. People don't come

to, but we spend most of our time outside, in the breeze and under the stars. That's one thing I'll regret leaving

r may not be—but I had to give up on that dream as I grew up. So I'll settle for the world. I'll hike every mountain range and walk along every

t has many ways o

traveling and adventuring. She says t

too busy with his position to waste precious family time arguing. As our Alpha's Beta, he's gone early in the morning and doesn't get

pes that I

a, I'll have to leave fo

ave my pack for months, traveling around just to find my mate with the other girls of age, just as you'll have to now that we know your

ood and say, "You kno

igette. Do

nces at my defiance. "I just think it's a waste. Going from pack to pack, possibly across the world just to see if

off. She takes a breath. I close my lips, knowin

the subject before she goes on a tangent a

I'm sure he'll come h

ront door open. I glance to my mother from the table. She's

as air pours out of him. He's tired—long day—but he al

p your plate

side me and sits down. "W

he tells us. "We were finishing up some plans. Actually, the

, "how lovely. Please, s

t thing I want to do is attend some fancy dinner party for a bunch of high-standing men. "I


"No more


Dad's plate down in front of him. "You can see the Al

can't understand why she's waiting for such things already. Her first shift is two years away and her mate at least another fou

look and he squeezes m

ha is coming. I guess t


elcome dinner with my family. The onl

ere is a lovely view there of the sun falling behind the mountains. I had to get out of the house

people can say they've been in a room full of Alphas and Betas and Lunas? I don't know a

when your Dad is o

ing like that. If anything, you kn

e are a few fallen trees that we have made into seats by the water's edge. I lay on my back as Lindsey sits next to my head. We relax in the soft noi

see the world. I going to swim in the Mediterranean Sea and

all those places? What about mo

e some money saved up, and safety isn't an issue when

our fa

My Dad will continue as our Beta an

e side. "But you're

," I shrug. "They know that this is what


't hav

reminds me. "

re that happens. And trust me, I won't be

ossing the thing into the water, making a plunking sound as it disappears. I t

ends for a long

e here. You're the only person that can se

over the tree trunk to the other side. "So wha

Well, you ha

but you're my

moment then say, "What about that

re I found Tim

"Now do you see why

I-I wouldn't give hi

having a mate. You like being a part of a pack,

or a moment. "So when

Soon, I think.

least say goodby

. You'll be the last person I see before I go, okay? And i

nce from behind us steals her attention. She turns to the shadowed tree

ome to bring you home," I

"He doesn't like when

. I'm going to stay here f

e? We can wa

m s

Her hand strokes the wolf's face in adoration. "Okay,

e two vanish between the trees, heading

my promise to Lindsey; she would have been the last person I've spoken to before escaping. If I left now I would also miss the dinner party that's looming ove

t the water, giving me a peek into the beauty that's out there for me to see. Imagine t

cture all these magic

go back—just for now

self that I'

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