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Broken Ballerina

Chapter 4 Meeting the Fiancee

Word Count: 1009    |    Released on: 28/11/2021

s sipping her coffee in the kitchen. She g

s surprised as her mother never

ty," she answe

tes will be here for lunch. I can't afford Christopher to see you in this state. You're an engaged wom

, rolling her eyes while ascending the stairs. She then decided to

o she sorta reeks of a

ng a single day fo

neckline. She put her hair in a ponytail and added lip gloss to her lips. As she was putting on her ea

off the engagement at whatever cost. But all her courage died down when

done in a whil

couldn't see his face clearly. Swallowing hard to calm her nerves, she dragged her feet down

ice. April looked back and then Christo

er gaze landed on the tall

h with her hand as she saw the gu

he realized that maybe due to the alc

. Dylan and Ellery were sitting acros

White. But why do you want us

nlike the other girls this prick brings to my home." Dylan s

like you to balance out his looks." Christopher teased, but everyone knew he

from you dad,"

t that right Ellery?" Her mother lovingly said. Ellery's heart swelled when she heard her m

er." Dylan cleared his throat and squinted his eyes at Ellery. "Besides, I'm not sure if

to be worried at all. Dylan will be lucky enough to have you as his w

m her parents. But she doesn't love Dylan and has her heart set for Nikola

the back of Ellery's head as she

ecided if I want

!' Now!" He smirked as he walk in front to see her face. Ellery's

itted as she was get

en't even apologized to me yet." Dylan gav

r w

and naked this morning after ta

I'm getting sold to then t

d our marriage, all that's left

Dylan, the idea of getting married to him scared her. She t

s but if you refuse they'd probably listen to you." Dylan's brows frowned

m in love with someone else."

e and went straight back to the house. Ellery didn't feel relieved at all, she knows that if she won'

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