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His Rejected Hybrid Mate

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1234    |    Released on: 20/11/2021

Witch (Ma

want Leon?" C

to." King Leon responded. "First is, what kind of p

as an alliance with one of my kin who is powerful. You

ild who he hid somewhere before his death, where is that child

hidden River if not at the presence of the gods who are like me." Cretin replied, "And to your other question, the gender of his child is hidden and could not be revealed to me, eit

e you said Issac got his powers from one of your kin, surely you know what powers to

an alliance with one of my kin? He offered something

rother for the throne." King

someone else did." Cretin said. "Whoever it is, I

ed King Reid is really p

y is coming when you and Issac will have to m

y, not liking the idea of him and Iss

more will join forces to defe

r and Issac and take over the thron

hat clear to me Leo

d after a while of thinking. "Power

Leon and you know what

n answered. "I will sacrifice so

into the water, "I will be expecting my gifts L

en next I am in need of your help." Beauty

auty said, grab hold of her fat


rything about how the late Kin

p to his feet. "So tell me who was the midwife that helpe

effrey answere

continued. "Don't forget to get one of the empty Chambers ready before I

as out of the secret chamber to inform th


r Aunt who was reading a magic book in the air. Ariel had gone to wash their dirty clothes and had served her aunt the leftover soup broth she made the

an Indian style, her legs crossed, quickly made her feet touch the floor- leaving the book she was reading dangling in the air- when she saw Ariel eating the food kept for her and collected the bowl

swered with a smile. She only did that to get her aunt attention whic

broth, gave the empty plate to Ariel and then levita

e kitchen with the empty pl

walk to the kitchen and went to wash the plates. She levitated herself down and

ze me Mari, how did you even know I w

ze your smelling scent that irks me?" Mari said sarcastica

e on Iss

that old bitterness in

mmediately, her laughter sounded like angry birds. "I

e inside?" Isaac sa

smelling beings like

the room just in case you need me to do something for you." Ariel

inside the house but having great difficu


ac repeated after

ther last did not only make you a one eyed man but it al

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