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Author: kaima

Chapter 1 Attempted rape

Word Count: 1152    |    Released on: 20/11/2021


y thing my aunt shouted

I re

tice to my teeth and I got into the

lotion onto my skin and I picked out clothes for the da

preparing breakfast for the whole family my aunt an

I set the table and I too

d here all Amber does is sit aroun

n the morning and

you still doing he

clean it's sel

right away I rushed to the k

I went upstairs and I start

ng i did the

and I found everyone go

the kitchen a

gry I made fo

ed eating af

wanted to go to m

that it was my cousin Joe I hid behind

with me he always say he wants to have a taste of me

and he said "crystal

e see me i got out" hey cou

his was going but I pretended not to know what are you talking about cousin Joe "you know exactly what am talking about I want to have a taste of you crystal" em ehehe I laughed nevoursly I am so busy all the time i will try making time to come to your room I just lied to him "you are lying that is what you always say you know what I am tired of waiting" he said he he got up and he started approaching me slowly he reached where I was and he bended to my level and he smelled my neck he started kissing my neck

opened the door. She saw that

yfriend was on top of his

e she growled. Joe q

she ran to hug Mary he - he - he

coat and she covered

breasts. "Joe care to explain w

Joe said nevoursly "so by playing with her

now what to say h

God sake how could you" as she was saying

aid Crystal cried more" please aunt

him" Mary said. She really lov

sit Joe she would always

al's aunt and her family a

lack and blue they leave

crystal to go take a shower while s

er the shower and she took the sponge she

of her mind and body she scrub

e sat down allowing the wate

mbers how her cousin alm

so she took a towel and w

oom and she found Joe kn

versation. "Baby please a

n't come here today you would have raped your baby cous

ver do it again" Joe said wit

to have a taste of crystal, that is

that crystal was with them in t

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