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I am the child of a monster!

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1224    |    Released on: 17/12/2021

dare you?" N

The short lady dragged Nerissa away from the room. She may look fr


s as her blue hair band had fal

e couldn't break free from

e process and Nerissa

ch! Are you jealous because I'm tall, sexy and prett

" the short lady coldly stated and continued dragg

but she couldn't stop the lady f

ampered missy like Nerissa wa

Nerissa yelled as the lady continued dragging her down the stairs. When they reached the

's orders!" the lady said flatly and climbe

t the servants had bothered to help her. They j

n I'm not Nerissa. You actually had me thrown out for that lowlife, ugly bi

ice down, Miss." one


a pointed at al

sons too. Then I'll render you jobles

the dragon queen, will fulfill her vows. Until then,

hard and ran out

dishevelled look, but he quickly


in th

ldhood friend who had been over pampered b

ad for her," Ch

oying. I'm glad she's out. I

ur kindness." she offered, but Shane immediate

l trained in martial art

month. Take it as me doing it for fun

only when you are done recovering." h


one thanks to the miraculous cream that Shane gave her

is home and they cater went out t

flutter whenever she is around him

ealized his feel

ackground and found she was a

dn't need to go ba

just stay here and work for me? Although it won't be as fun

ersonal chef the

eir friendship grow so close that Sha

h later with a diamond ri


o a party by one of his associates

nt. She said she would

esigners to turn her into something out of this world - a goddes

perately, and the others laughed. Shane c

ething missin

ve him a kiss on the r

ct, hot babe." he sa

d a lady dressed in a body hugging, black l

e stunning thing was that sh

he's currently wearing a mask. Nerissa will be the

re so sweet!" she ki

for my babe." he

odyguard gre

too stunning. Can I m

o her." Shane said confidentl

yst h

moneyed second generation men and women were

s and girls and some even carried

and dark makeup. Nerissa is however, dressed in gold and red short gown (that stopped just below her

mitate a cute, good girl but unfortunately

and transparent. He paired it with a red and black stripped hat and black leath

the bodyguard disguised as Che

d to them, holding a microphone

bodyguard shyly waved at the crowd sta

ds around her shoulders a

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