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Loving the Darkness

Chapter 5 Search

Word Count: 1057    |    Released on: 26/11/2021

d shoot daggers right now,

he doesn't understand why she had to go through all that process just to wear a dress that is according to the maids,

rder to speak. "So, my lady, in which town do you want to move? Are you go

now the answer to. While yes, she get to travel from places to places because of

e place where it happens and that is when she fulfill her dut

et. Staring at her, Xavier then real

in mind, then it's fine. You don'

uick at reading her moods, or what she's thinking about.

an just go around and take a look at the houses t

said with outmost sincerity. She really appreciates that despite he

pposed to do." Was Xavier's reply,


ny people's attention. The Goddess could feel their burning gaze

im, decided to try and start a conversation with her, "My lady...

epeated, earning a

tity. She is a major God, and whether she like

d in the days that the humans have set in which they pray for her, still, sometimes, she grace them with b

ds close to her real name and it was


onsider it some

ame. He's been trying to find the right time where he

d to say mine since I assume you alr


his place because she felt guilty rejecting him when he looks that genuine in wanting to help her. Plus, he asks so many questions that she doesn't

she have money you ask? The gold earrings Alma made her wear turned out to be worth a lot, and so

lly sold to commoners. Freyja didn't understand why he looked like he was hesitant to tell her. Was it probably because he was scared he had

an get a house so she can finally get rid of him and h

avier volunteering to go and buy food. Freyja wasn't even given a chance to complain befor

t, my lady?" Xavier asked while

noisy market and not too close by the gates so it was a bit quiet. I kind of lik

lley so it will be

afety again, "It's fine, General." She smiled, "I may not look lik

h more than th

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