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Ash And Ruin

Chapter 4 The Beginning of the end

Word Count: 504    |    Released on: 05/11/2021

ese types of situations, but I start to breath in then out and count to ten l

y I don't since turning all meds don't work on me anymore but I still have to wrap it to keep it from starting to rot. I then smack myself upside the head because I forgot I keep it under my bed since my bathroom isn't big

on as that thought leaves me, I start to sweat and freak out I try to pace the floor forgetting the task at hand of getting my wound bandaged up and making sure its not starting to rot, sole thought is that we are now entering a zombie apocalypse and I have no idea whats going to happen or what this means for the human race. Its bad enough that i was used as an experiment to see how the new "drug" reacts to being introduced to human blood but how many others this has happened to i don't know, I've been trying for almost 4 months to

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