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The Billionaire's Stripper

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1814    |    Released on: 04/11/2021

antically to the sides, "st

m it's buckle. He started forcing his thighs between my legs. I was starting to

ed open and I heard Donov

on the man's face. He falls off me to the side of the

? Are you hur

ss to cover my exposed chest. The man tries to stand up and make a

eams at him, hand up against his throat on the bed. "Get

ies to speak through

for harassment and attem

ed for a ......room"his voice barely came out as he was being strangled by D

ed, pressing harder on his neck till he st

orse to death. Killing him wasn't a solution to this problem, if a

ho?!" Donovan pressed "who the

Every second I spent looking at that horrible man's face anger

ching along the narrow hall outside the room. I wiggled my wrist out of his grip and hurried away towards the nearest restroom. I caught sight of

o get into the restroom, Donovan s

van's voice as he said to Sean, "alright Sean, who

w okay? The guy just came in a

u know very well the policies gu

girl was a virgin. Giving rooms

e hell u

t voice, then his light footsteps

reflection on the mirror. My make up was smeared all over the wrong places, my hair scattered on my head.

hoping he won't hear the anger and pain in my voice. The

I com


to see him. I tried to pull my dress together to cov

hurt?" He asked,

ulder to him " I'm fine. Th

e he didn't

omething to wear now" I told him, hinting him to l

ve you my shi

t's in the changing room.

ed, are you?" Here" he pulls off his

ror, I gave him an appreciative smil

ged into the shirt. It was long enough to reach my lower t

e" I announced and he turned

kay?" He a

an I go

ely" he

ing into a cab, I texted Abby, telling her what hap

? I couldn't stop thinking about what would've happened to me if Don hadn't intervened on time. And as I stepped out of the cab and

an and he always keeps pulling me back. He's the leash holding me

hat paid so well. I'd first came into the club as a bartender. I didn't know anybody then, not even A

n at the door of the club's bedroom when the man tried to pull me in, all drun

ew girl?" He'd as

he man to let go of me and stay away. Th

the music, to the men and even to me. From your bio, you've never been at such a crow

left immediately. As I walked along the club's sidewalk, a car drove up to a stop

ally found the courage to tell him that I was a virgin and didn't know if I could handle my job just yet. I didn't know wher

strippers and prostitutes. And he pretty much helped me get away from men who wanted taking me home for the night. Of course a

part of me wanted so badly to confront her about last night but I didn't know what I was supposed to say. I'm just gonna let it go like I always d

rd to just staying home and doing nothing. I dragged my feet out of the bathroom, my tooth

ling. She's the only one who ever calls me anyway.

ing as I'd suspected.

teeth brushing. I stood before my vicinity mirror, watching m

to go get ready in thirty!"

hat's the occasion?" I spit out the

s us to meet he

st of the liquid in my mouth before speaking "at

e replied " promotion? To what?

our ass

ass, I mean the oth

y're the sam

ou up soon. Be ready okay?! After leaving franc

e?" Ho

you in th

connection beeps before turnin

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