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The Demon King's Destiny

Chapter 3 Two

Word Count: 1287    |    Released on: 02/11/2021


r evidences when Rain, the commander of

so gathered all evidences of DNA they could find in and out of the warehouse base.” Rain bowed h

n,” I said as I looked at the deserted warehouse. Who could have thought that

scort you?

nd there, I still went alone. As the Demon King and the head of the Dark Council, I’d witnessed far worse scenarios from a very early age. No one ever gets used to watching such horrors, but it was like pois

Since my men had already gone through this entire space, there was nothing else for me to do here. I ordered the hounds to leave and they disappeared

t behind me c

arms held behind my back. But my captor didn’t know who he was dealing with. Within the next second, he was pinned to the wall, m

et to grey. It took me a second to look away from those hypnotic eyes and to a handsome face that was all sharp angles and perfect symmetry. Soft black hair fell on his forehead, whic

antalizing. It held me captive, made my breath swell. He was the

in his melodic voice, in his eyes. “But I ne

sure me about not wanting to hurt me. He clearly had no idea who he was dealing with. Or maybe he did kno

ow even more was how he evaded my hounds? How was he still alive? There was no way my hounds had missed him. Where had he been hidin

ears old and yet he wore the same clothing as the guards had

e shook his head. “You ne

t his retreating back, unused to someone expecting me to follow orders. Not knowing what else to do, I started following him, know

onless despite the situation. This was probably the place where the experiments were being conducted because I think I saw several jars at the back of the lab with body parts suspended in fo

ile placing a hand to my stomach. It was getting nauseating in here and I needed to get out soon. I knew I would be scrubbi

ached a dead end, but then the man pressed his palms on the wall and it moved back to re

my hounds ha

sound of air vents turning. The basement was narrow and stingy with the scent of rot and decay

impatient. If her was trying to take me t

rigid and his shoulders stiff, like a soldier in attention. And just when

re h

ther door in this facility, this was too was made out of metal and looked ol

sked him, a sense of drea

ly opened the doors wide enough

r left my lung

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