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Senior year

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 974    |    Released on: 01/11/2021


teresting, we had been neighbors for quite a while

annoyance during Mrs Smith's class.

text, apologizing for m

but none came,I guess

f proclaimed girlfriend


g at your phone,what

eply,shoving my ph

s Angeles durin

,watching her c

each for my phone. Elizabeth replied,all she typed was okay

xt telling me how muc

?"Bianca asks,her f

ccer practi

actices only in Frid

l my

have time for this tod

omething about being selfi

why I put up with h

get detention,she was a good kid, I decide to send her anot

anyone to text me back, I had girls double text me,s

in,it was a no,wri

mistake,I can't believe she just turn

ble,she should be g

ed me down. I never knew how to handle rejection especiall

ve the handso

ck if she sent a message,

ood?"Lucas my b


today, we'll meet by n

totally f

said and went off

mind went back Elizabeth. I couldn't exp

lliams introduced her as a transfer student. She looked so fragile and in

tty or drop dead gorge

the dinner my father was throwing tonight. He said to bring a decent girl and Elizabeth

rtunity to talk to her. I expected her to jump at

place because she lied she worked at a pub,she probably lie

, reminding me to wear a tuxedo and tie and

ntroduced me to his business associates, telling them I

wasn't interested i

he one time I did,she got drunk and created a mess,my dad was

. Makayla and I were friends since birth,she was

hat tie"Makayla said,

business men I recognized from

into business as usual. I slipped

were seated a

y, taking a long

ss man,he's definitely going to take o

ghed l

er if my parents care about

care,so long as I don't

cing kids into what they don

today"she said,


he said, twisting her face like Mr

h Elizabeth,she got there b

slightest flutt

n trouble,I was only teasing

I talke


he prett


yla that I spoken to her b

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