Tales of Goddess of Ruins and Dark Amazon and Darkness in Desire
Author: SasinaZarielSin Genre: RomanceTales of Goddess of Ruins and Dark Amazon and Darkness in Desire
great civilization located southeast of Jardanius, a cont
ormer glory, he didn't always seem
e meetings progressed, that there were not many choices regarding Selenian's choices
fter the end of a war, as much as it did in a previous war, when they
n exist yet, what would the priests do, besides the promise made by Selenian, which left ever
ere many questions about the economy and unhappiness arising from ideas and decisions not favorable t
ring interested in an alliance between the priests of Um-Mu wh
h of the nearby galaxies, among the exiles of the priests who recently
rought, the ones left over from the former Sunam
ral planets face
to hunger, there would be war, in addition to war, there wo
hadn't had that thought since the beginning, as each of th
were once planets with life and prosperity, and later used for
the Vega system explored the planets of the Drew-Dex system, which
lanets that were used as sources of
prosperity, animals, feuds of some dominant races, green, and flora, in addition to an
their extinction, but not before causing an interplanetary war, between various systems, betw
ndur, who learned that those 33 planets were used an
ach of those planets among the planets, but it came to an end, yes there were some
ich formed a clustered galaxy of 14 planets of exiles and refugees, som
e former Republic from a planet called
e first generation of kings before reaching its extinction, between a war th
s, stones and gems, that appeared and were mined, all that, until i
from the earth, was rich in oil, coal, jewels, and natural gas, to
e, which in turn, didn't seem like a
hy, they were military academies, before they were farmers, pri
ed practically on philosophy, food, fishing, animal grazing, long
e last planet, the first planet was the Delura of the Delurdian galaxy and the planet Delurian, home of the Delur
an enmity, guilt and war t
, who supposedly created and spawned plant life and r
ontact with the Gordanians who were exiled from the dying planets that were
the Citadel, as well as creating colonies on these conquer
rise of the citadel exist
re depleted with constant fracturing and uncontrolled exploration, in addition to the