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Mending Her Heart

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2419    |    Released on: 04/11/2021



, I close my eyes his face appeared making me remember how astonished he looked when I told him what he would need to say to Lau

eelings towards him, after being extremely conscious

s. The feelings that I let get surfaced last night was a mistake.

thinking what if I had leaned closer and kissed his lips or what if he leaned cl

Madeline? I asked myself feeling

ersized baby blue sweatshirt with my black skinny jeans. I didn’t want to work on untangli

hecked my bag twice to make sure I

pale white skin that always looks flawless. She is an Asian and moved here when she was a baby because of her father business. Her boyfriend Mac is my friend also. They t

er and made my way down. I peeked outside throu

take a walk, Madelin

t the treat. I knew it was a weird example but I didn’t really care about

re at the person who was honking like mad. I snapped m

ion of Satan wa

tared at me for like 30 seconds with her mouth shaped in big “O”.

ride with me?” She asked me

like next to impossible for me to make everyo

nd” I said adjusting

Get inside” She said smilin

her car engulfed me. My freezing hands an

t you again,” Laura

ded m

ded giving you a ride to school. And you both live c

or all these years. She never wants me to ask him for a ride and I never did. But she sti

Brandon. We all know each other all our

?” I asked her glancin

d me to meet some old aunt who I have never met before. She was dying actually and

ize that it was no way to talk about y

d the car beside Brandon’s car

t want to face him yet so I made an excuse of going

was sleepy as hell all the time

e stayed all ni

a and found Milly and Mac posing for a selfie. I r

the table and go

ruined our best picture.” Mil

at across them still gla

rong side of the bed”. Ma

eep at all last night.” I sai

r zombie look,” Milly

and get me one right now

t you’re ordering around. Go find

e in my heart making me grim

in distress until her prince finds her

leep last night?

sk me why I didn’t come to see him play

pened my eyes to find Laura and Brandon standin

uncomfortable. I moved my head up from the ta

I can kiss him whenever and wherever I want” She said it with a full-blown smi

ront of my eyes. It wasn’t like I was seeing them kissing th

their mouth agape. I didn’t have in me to watch

en your virgin eyes now

aura. Laura had a smile on her face while Bra

inside and said, “Congratulations.

n and replied, “Awe. You’re so s

t Brandon staring at me intensely ag

e staring at me intense

that had my burger and soda in it. He p

miss so

her. Girlfriend boyfriend you know” Mil

. Now only Madeline is si

uy for her” Laura sa

Brandon sat beside her. Mac an

e? It’s getting cold” Mac said

I couldn’t swallow it now. The emotions that I was

ere we had lunch then he gave me this long lovely speech and asked me to b

ing at her words but I

e you sick?” Brandon said sudde

ght preparing the assignment. Now I’m sleepy.

me I can take you,” B

ool. After the break, I have

hared the classes with me so they

ld me how Delia left without you in the morning”

I are going to her house to

g just nodded her head g

uys with us from the place we went for

and got up to get what

o the class” I realized it was a good time to escape so I made

I hated wasting the food because I knew

m the and hurriedly

m and tears started to s

am I crying? I asked myse

eyes in the mirror and rea

Madeline. You’re to

ain. I made myself tough and unbreakable from past experiences b

lf nothing woul

ing for yourself from so

Brandon to be mine. But you can’t always h

ch other; two beautiful creatures. Who am I to break them apart? I’m t

om the starting for which I never blamed her. I never even blamed Brandon for falling in l

should stay happy and app

my tea

nds because they are in love. Even if it breaks your hear

or stopping myself

ng me how proud of he was on me. He alw

told me to kill the boy and get on the

to go wherever they were at that moment. I didn’t care if they w

where I used to fall asle

s hugs after he cam

etween them after h

ssed my pare

was broken when the

nd Milly standing the

ed water on my face to get rid of the

crutinizing gaze but didn’t

starting soon” Milly said dra

eline. Did

opped me from walking,

een turning around

et Him Hur

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