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The Exploration

Chapter 5 The orbs universe

Word Count: 1605    |    Released on: 25/10/2021

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day of the

to the experience I went through yesterday. Who in the world gave the authorities of the two schools an idea to be paired together? They almost

an called from outsid

side "I

d. Demini high school board members had gotten a huge villa to accommodate everyone for

he sat on the bed. "You have

, "I re

to leave now for the ancien

akers and then we are good to go, "I

some necessities in your

an questioned because he knew wha

his bag on the bed and began to expl

case of attack, a pair of socks, insect repellent in case of i

tan laughed and

hing?"Hillary asked wi

pid, "I replied to him and he star

mmy?" he asked with

n, a field trip which doesn't involve all this torchlight, pocket knife, blah, blah, b

cy, "he replied and put back his things into the bag. He bo

th our mouths wide open. He ca

the lollipop from his mouth. Tristan a

hing about Hillary

ked. We all entered and settled on our different seats. Soon students began

to her instead, she was ignored. "I want to tell you all that the ancient museum we are going to is the third biggest and oldest m

tend to say boring stuff," Gary sa

m plan high school retorted. "Why do you think you are an

school is a prestigious school while yours is just... " he paused for a while and deliberate on

at he had just said was going to

" Another boy from plan

and in a blink of an eye, the boy rushed

rst than I

n to laugh. He pointed to the b

lled and stood up to push the boy but he was

ough!" Mr. Ad

teachers when they beg

s ass, " Gary refused and moved to attack t

dams was taller than Gary, he was less muscular than Gary who looked at

ause I'll beat your ass up." Gary threatened and freed his hand

ll to please agree with one another. I wa

not going to work." Alexa interrupted Mr.

tch has somet

I'm here to tell you that being together on a bus and going to a useless exploration does not mea

girl from plan high schoo

his some g

are you?" Alexa

u." The girl replied Alexa and everyone on th

se." He begged and the two girls responded by seating back in their seats but I

a and for the first time in my life, I found myself admiring her.

I thought to myself

r dark brown eyes met with mine. We both gazed at each other

caught m

" Hillary teased and boug

tried to deny it but I

n tell you've been staring at her f

om plan?" I decided to ask those questions because I thought that someone on my level shouldn't

illary opened a cookie sheet and thr

d a

he can Stare at because of our differences right?" Tristan t

tried to explain but he cut me off

oldest museum." The female teache

on until this tour is over?" Hill

rying to gang u

feel you are too shy to admit your feelings to the plan

let them know that I was not the type for feeling but they didn't allow me

to behold. It was a three-storey building but it was really old as the walls were made of brick

tion wasn't going

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