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Chapter 4 LILIA'S HOME

Word Count: 849    |    Released on: 24/10/2021

er promised Lilia she'll be going home with her today. So Nic and Betty joined the

to set off, Li's dad pulle

the car, boggled their

They cheerfully chor

how was your day at school t

d Henry turned his gaze on Aims

e your parents and siblings? – I was not able to meet them ye

ned to her bag and brought out a small white box which she handed over to him.

mscious added on an impulse and he sweetly th

he back , chatting and singing happily. The rest of the jour

so lost in conversation that they d

in their announcer was right, they quickly alighted and run as fast as they could into

ed and hugged her, almost

ey laughed. "You nearly pushed me down " H

d how was school; i've actual

hool was great and we're doing perfectly well. I wan

ls can go in and change up,

lied with a big okay and

uniforms and settled on the b

, brilliant and handsome boy in their class. They chat and laughed

ere already seated, waiting for them. After everyone had settled in, H

rwards. Lilia and Aims later went to her room for their assignment. Ju

ve supper, should we wait for you?" Nelson asked

little late but i'm f

re then; my regards

e dropped back the phone on the bed, instinctively turning her gaze

d , he sends her regards." She announced an

girl" She chuckled, teasing ,to which Aimsc

he slater house yet. I'm too young to die early" She wittily replie

and sin no more, you naive young one" She replie

assignment? – I don't wish to be a slater meat either. You kno

agreed. Soon, they were alre

ame to the end of their assignment. Aimscious bid Lili

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