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Bloody Hunters Saga - Red Moon Love Book 1

Chapter 4 Truth Be Told

Word Count: 2055    |    Released on: 24/10/2021

d the deal presents itself with no complications! Since when he had a daughter that I didn’t know of? She wasn’t mentioned in the documents

s, defended himself. “She wasn’t even in the country. From what we know, she had to still be in Switzerland.” His personal lawyer was Kyle Lockwood. A lawyer with outstanding academics and successful cases, at the age of 32. He was known for his talent of getting things done fast and feared in the industry. This was his

side. “OK. Find ways to get back at her. Give me leverages that I can use and subject her to me. At a second thought, this is going to be interesting. I wonder how long she will last

k his things and wen

ncy. At origins, he had been a thug and involved with a gang as he had no parents since the age of eight. In a fight between gangs he had been injured after going against twenty gang members alone. He had been covered in blood and still fighting to his las

Give me what I want. Watch h

left the room after bowing h

wicked brat last night! Thomas was having mixed feelings for Mika. He did like her attitude and confidence. He even loved her stance and way of approach as he saw himself in her. The brat had potential. Those eyes…. They tickled my guts and shut me down. You speared me with t

Mika needed protection. His Master was a vicious, sly person when he wanted

had for her first day in the company and told Vincent

and have lunch! I’m hungry!” She was gettin

ersona. He was amazed how she dealt with each situation. She appeared stronger and different with every minute he stayed with her. A business meeting with Thomas would have left men in tears,

sharks. I just dump them! Ha-ha! Let’s go to Divar restaurant! It’s classy, and the me

e there in five.” Drake fanc

into the place and represent the restaurant. It was one of Thomas DiAngelo’s restaurants. His business covered all fiel

orders. Mika ordered the best dishes and drinks to c

re, after drinking half of fresh s

e was feeling hap

t for you to spill the news! My best friend was dad. I could speak with him about anything

orry. I am happy we are friends.” Drake was thinking with a clenched heart of the moment she would f

short meetings and inspections for taking over the company. This week will be hell week for me. I know the company by heart, but I still need to adjust to the inside environment. Eh, I will get use

if you want me to.” Drake wanted to keep a close eye on

you taking a whole day off to assist me. You should go back. We can meet again another time. I will text you my new phone number later.” Mika declined his offe

Mika.” Drake was changing his

gled, binging from her plate and savoring the food. “I

il the end and don’t overthink it.

t you?” Mika gasped his grimace after s

w who the businessman, you mentioned in the morning, was.” Drake st

telling me about him? No worries, I was informed beforehand about him. You couldn’t

beating it. “Thomas DiAngelo is…,” he paused a little, “my

She yelled, chock

ater!” He gave her

for air. “Are you kidding me? He is yo

ray him in a bad light. He’s not in fact a bad guy. He’s honest and cool. But in business, he’s fierce. He never cares for the other party. I don’t want you to get hurt. So, be alert and make sure your moves aren’t watched. His eyes and ears are everywhere. I can’t say mor

de her dish and held her head wi

n who my friends are. I feel a strong connection with you and the need to be at your side. I can’t explain in words why, but it is the truth. And I don’t want this

ght?” She was scanning him and h


” She was rubb

He ordered us to bring the doctor and investigate the other car that chased you.” He conf

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