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Icy Shots on a Hot Billionaire

Chapter 4 Who’s That Woman

Word Count: 3801    |    Released on: 24/10/2021


next elevator and on her footsteps. My men are already ta

go, while two out of my three black SUVs, packed with bodygua

e that is always my shadow. I’m versed in martial arts, street fights and practically everything

utes.” I order while the car is alre

He knows what I want, when I want and how I want it. That’s why he’s my personal bodyguard and right hand for the last eight years. He

back of the car and he sends me a smirk in the rear

car. Is she meeting her boyfriend or something? Blood is boiling through my veins at the thought, so I ban it from my head. To my surprise, she gets in it and drives off

three black SUVs. The one I’m in is now le

d passes it to me. “She’s one badass woma

family’s. Seven went into bankruptcy at the economic crisis. She’s got some impressive academics. Lots of sports she practiced until f

tage on her. Three million dollars in debts, her house has just been seized by the bank. She needs to pay in one month from now, if she doesn’t want to los

riends. Can’t stay in a serious relationship, huh? I smirk. She lov

rs ago, from an infection that almost took her life. Eight months in bed to recover. Doctors didn’t give her chances, yet she’s one furious driver and on her feet w

e as her creditor. I want her submitted to me. We will talk later the conditi

“I guess we’re headed to her home. She was an

near her location. Make all the necessary arrangements. I want everything ready when we reach there.” I lean on my back, putt

says and starts fo

t’s not my style to go through too much trouble to get what I want. I’ve never done this… But every move she makes and everything I discover about her, provokes me. And she doesn’t even know yet. When she’s got down th

r and drives away in her unique driving style. Has she just smiled at that man?! No, you haven’t! I’ll have you punished for that! You didn’t

the car and Rick starts the

iffed on us, Eric

mean?” My eye

o take a drink from the fridge. She paid for the gas, drink and

t the creditor.” I wink at him and have the devilish smile plastered on

She doesn’t have to be certain at this point. Let her have a ‘what if’ moment. I want her scared a bit. Anyway, I have all

e forest towers it and mirrors its beauty. The silence of out of city is soothing to my ears. The air is strong and calms my nerves. I go in a similar looking house to

h her, Eric. She’s got a lot on her hands and seems a nice person. I don’t think she’s going to be happy with a broken heart.” He gives me the look of a w

ng you speak like this for o

dn’t want to see her hurt. That’s all I’ve got to say. Yo

r the access code on my phone and see what

ths to evacuate the house…” Says an older woman, sobbing,

of the house and courtyard. I take the images and audio through satellite. Among my

Her glare goes from shock, to biting her lower lip, and then a poker face. “Stop reading, baby.

sks her mom, not put

I get worked up. I contract my j

a goes to her. They h

ey and Dad is threatened by them to be killed. I was so freaked out that I stayed on the couch crying and somehow fell asl

her dad’s location! Now!” I stand up

bing her mom’s back. “Where is the site?” What?! You’re going there? What can you do? Chill, woman. I

w client…” H

, and with the house, I’ve got everything covered. O

woman?” I say and chuckle,

im right now, Eric.” He i

Please!” Her mom pleads, holding her h

smiles at her mother. If they want to ki

estion escapes my mout

r hand. Yeah, you’re very good at taking your hand back. Did the sa

another stop to make.” She kisses her mother’s forehead

t. Oh! You don’t say. You’ve got everything settled, huh

n on. “Follow her car. She’s going at her dad’s location. Ha

the car on her trails. She loves to drive like that as I can see… I wonder

nds behind him doing and saying nothing. Then I see Selena’s car entering the site in full speed, roaring her car when she gets

at. She’s got some balls. Those guys are no j

got my attention. Take us near the place at a safe distance.” I say sw

r, I think, in a serious, powerful stance, not looking at the o

m. “Mr. Dutchmond?” She calls him on his family name. That’s her dad alrigh

’t get to finish as one of the men yells at Selena, making me want

The man says who is well-built. I have a pinch in my heart for her safety. “Just…” I can’t finish calling fo

p and fear on his face starts appearing. “Let me hear it one more time! Don’t look at me that I’m a woman!” She motions her right hand in her direction. “I’ll broom the entire site with your ass!” She doesn’t break the eye contact. Her body, face

s. “I’m sorry, Madam. I-

y kindness? And you!” She turns her eyes at the one behind him. “Haven’t we helped you find a home and paid for the rent without affecting your pay when you were kicked out of your house? And you!” She turns to the one beside the first one. “Haven’t we helped you with supplies for your newborn? And you all!” She motions her hand in thei

ur money! I’ll deal with the client after I walk out of here! You are all paid until these

id we won’t be paid…” Says one of

s that?” S

n’t get paid. We know you have debts and we thought you’ll run with our hard-worked m

es a pause and looks at them with that mad look of hers. “Now. If I hear one more time of such accusations or threatens to Mr. Dutchmond or I, or to any boss you have over you, I’ll have my way with you and make you pay back for

be her boyfriend. “Go and do your job watching o

e the workers are, leaving her

had and have since the economic crisis and apologetic for how things

son is here with you! No worries!” She winks at

ant to have one like her.” Justin

y ways, in such short amount of time. A feeling slowly warms my heart. I want her i

m home with Michael. Her dad refuses at first but then gives

y, not taking

, bo

on the conditions.” I bite my

ns?” Both Justin and Ri

ntract.” I p

both ask at t

s.” I complete

ith this. That girl and her family are in a hard situation. I don’t know from where she musters the courage to be like t

. I’m serious.”

yes at me. “Contract marriage. T

I think it’s a great deal.”

n his side window. “What is she doing?” He’s tensed, making me look as well. She

th both her hands. She tries breathing. I get down from the car at this point without thinking anymore. “Fuck!” She yells, stopping me from walk

er car. I see her looking into her purse. She’s getting something out. A syringe of some sort. I frown.

is is a real sin. She’s not like the othe

sh of wants and feelings. My manhood wants her badly,

happened a while ago. Baby? You’re mine. All the way. “Follow her.” I have a straight face giving th

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1 Chapter 1 Coffee Is A Bitch…2 Chapter 2 An Instant Wish Comes True3 Chapter 3 Family Crisis4 Chapter 4 Who’s That Woman 5 Chapter 5 Need For Money, A Race6 Chapter 6 You'll Be Punished For That7 Chapter 7 Rivalry8 Chapter 8 She's My Woman9 Chapter 9 Not Even For A Billion Dollars10 Chapter 10 Give Me Self-Control!11 Chapter 11 I Have To Face It12 Chapter 12 Here We Go Again...13 Chapter 13 What Is This Woman Doing To Me 14 Chapter 14 This Is Killing Me Right Now15 Chapter 15 Raging16 Chapter 16 Forced And Pained17 Chapter 17 No Race, Race On!18 Chapter 18 Mind Reader19 Chapter 19 Shivers...20 Chapter 20 Satan21 Chapter 21 Virgin Mary And Shock22 Chapter 22 Hulk23 Chapter 23 Animal Instincts Vs. Love24 Chapter 24 Diabetes, My Enemy25 Chapter 25 She’s The Boss26 Chapter 26 Boss's Wife27 Chapter 27 Competitions. Day One28 Chapter 28 Hate And Love29 Chapter 29 Premonition. A Bad Omen30 Chapter 30 Life On A Beat…31 Chapter 31 Death Is Weak. Past Is A Bitch32 Chapter 32 She Gangsta33 Chapter 33 Cheating Husband34 Chapter 34 Clash Of The Titans35 Chapter 35 Half Iced, Half Warmed36 Chapter 36 Ultimate Fighter37 Chapter 37 Angel In Death Again…38 Chapter 38 Baby Boss39 Chapter 39 Test. A Chance On40 Chapter 40 Denial Of Love41 Chapter 41 No Gentleman42 Chapter 42 Wonder Woman43 Chapter 43 Hot Night. In Her Terms...44 Chapter 44 Heart, Body, And Soul45 Chapter 45 Love Treats46 Chapter 46 I'll Kill You Slowly And In Pains...47 Chapter 47 She Godfather...48 Chapter 48 Loving Husband49 Chapter 49 Top Lawyer50 Chapter 50 Explosions...51 Chapter 51 Wonder Woman 11.052 Chapter 52 Emotional Stress And Angel Food53 Chapter 53 What The F*ck Is Going On !54 Chapter 54 Deadly Angel55 Chapter 55 Tired Baby56 Chapter 56 Who’s Alpha 57 Chapter 57 Out Of Control58 Chapter 58 Mask Down59 Chapter 59 Leadership Contested60 Chapter 60 Bad Moments...61 Chapter 61 Ownership Or Love 62 Chapter 62 Two Months Later...63 Chapter 63 Party And A Bitch64 Chapter 64 Reversed Party…65 Chapter 65 Wedding...66 Chapter 66 Bride And Blood...67 Chapter 67 Calming Down…68 Chapter 68 D-Day69 Chapter 69 Coldness And Hotness70 Chapter 70 Craziness71 Chapter 71 One Month Later72 Chapter 72 Domestic Violence73 Chapter 73 Healer74 Chapter 74 Guilt