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Alphas In Aquila

Chapter 6 Meeting The Alpha

Word Count: 894    |    Released on: 18/10/2021

scended around her like a burden. The sound of voices and music from downstairs had faded as they stepped

nd simple, contented with what the world presented her. But she couldn’t be like Larisa, or even like the

roken. Because she knew exactly wh

e heat cycle heightened and she became a shaky mass of sweat and slick, so desperate to

re forced to turn to the black market more often when the registered pills had finished. It had not been necessary for h

wl of ice next to two glasses. She filled one and drank at it, more out of a craving to calm her nerves than a tast

jumped, making the wine slosh out of the glass and poured at the back of her hand. It was too dark to see him vividly, only a larg

, which made his silent presence much more impossible to bear. Her legs shivered, the pressure of his silent regard

drove her to speak, but her

sir.” S

rl.” He

plunged in chocolate, but wholly without emotion. She was shocked as

lded features and harsh lines, loosened up only by full lips and lashes as thick as butterfly wings. But there wasn't softness in the rest of him as he hovered large above her with bulging muscles and Alpha assault. She didn’t h

ou are here to

r. The idea of serving him whatever that he meant, t

y closer to the floor in response, th

Beta Or you will suffer the consequences

chest as she spoke th

to serve",

her, with her whiff caug

and removed the half-full wine g

d, with his voice heavy with

s his thumb traced the arch of her bottom lip. Her mouth fell open, virtually a reflex, and his thumb spooned ever so slightly inside

e lov

t they flashed with a hazardous light. His voic

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