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The Boy Allies under Two Flags


Word Count: 1675    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ir into which he had fallen because

e asked in alarm.

eplied Jack. "What, I am sure, is

do you

ed by the explosion of the torpedo wh

we have heard

s no sound u

k's eyes, and he was ash

ows aboard! Do you suppose

dly. "And to think that we had to

said Frank, sink

offering up a silent prayer for the brave

ength broken by the

e boys' sadness, and

emember, there probably will be many German liv

ears from their eyes a

f it no more," s

," sai

you had better turn in and get s

ted Jack. "I cou

l do," he said finally, "we have come to the surface again I'll ask Captain Von Cromp to allow you to go upon the bridge,

nd, I am sure we shal


at one end of the room, walked over to investigate. He c

!" he ex

it?" as

bject up before

exclaimed. "Do yo

and then stepped sud

ck! Do you want t

here?" asked Frank, still holdin

ubmarines carry them. I have heard that

held in his hand was a sma

any ship to kingdom come, w

had better put it down unless

to his chum, and

before the lieutenant comes back. Qu

emanded Jack,

ook quick, while I hide

quested. After rummaging through the lieutenant's desk, he

is do?"

d Frank, "but a rif

What do

" whispe

et. Frank by this time had concealed his explosive under his coat. It bulged out a

Stein enter

Von Cromp has given his consent. I

ficer. Captain Von Cromp was on the bridge when the t

have had to witness what you have; b

hat before," sa

d us had we put up a more stub

othing you did to an enemy in time of war and

me further talk, Captain Von Cromp followed him, and the boys were

few moments later he turned Away, saying to the sailor that he a

to Jack, Frank sa

d that small boat the

Jack, but Frank

n," he said. "Help me

y. Where do you su

not reach it when the submarine was submerged. Luckily it was out of view of the German on the

below. Opening his coat he took the explosive out and, drawing a handkerchief

o himself. "It wouldn't do for h

n once more and aske

y, "I guess I shall ha

forward, flung one arm around the man's, neck, and with

. The German fell without a murmur. Frank ra

at quick!" h

k dropped lightly in after him, and

nk after they had pulled som

oing to do with

plied Frank grimly.

d Jack passed the w

rself over the side of the bo

by the arm. "Have you gone crazy? Wh

" replied Frank, more quietly now

is it then?

ing to the periscope tube on

see it

u know wh


t Stein's cabin. I'm going to bore a little hole throug

ack "You'll blow tip the su

ly," replied F


ain Von Cromp say he wouldn't blame us for anything we might do. Besides, they

aid Jac

h that little plaything there will be an explosion that will kick up considerable excitement hereabout

don't deserve any better than they will get. As you say, 'the fortune of war.

say the word, and when you come up, if you do, co

f I dive before you fire, how are you

fire. I won't wait to see whether I hit it or not. However, I'll drop the revolver


and pointed the revolver

he said quietly

he edge of the boat, still

eady," he s

ed Frank and pul

revolver into the bottom of the boat,

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